Have A Handsome Blanket Loving Kitteh
I took this cute photo of Morty from awhile back. He was just loving up his blue blanket on the rocking chair:
Heheh, now that’s super cute. 😛
New Bawderlands Dos Weapon Of The Day
I’ve been blowing more stuff up with some Borderlands 2 this evening, and I wanted to show you folks my latest weapon after spending some golden keys:
This has got to be my favorite kind of minigun in the game. 10 stars out of 10!
2,000 Sheets Under The Sea
Ladies and gentlemen, I have finally reached 2,000 Game Boy / GBC sprite sheets in the Spriters Resource website:
Oh, and here’s a Game Boy sprite sheet that’s been submitted and confirmed the other day:

I did play that game last week, and it was really fun taking care of pets especially in Japan. 🙂
Short Monday Evening Open Thread
I still got nothing to say, so I’m putting this up as an open thread for tonight.
Goodnight ladies and gentlemen! Oh, and Open Thread!
I Got Nothing, So Here’s Another Chuckie Foto
More Fun With Borderlands 2

I’ve been battling some more bad guys in Borderlands 2 this evening, and here’s a weapon that I got after spending some golden keys the other day:
I also earned a couple of Dahl blaster rifles but I don’t have screenshots of those. So now is my time to take a break from this game and go do the bed thing. Ciao!
Have My Handsome Dragon Pokémon
I’ve been playing a bit of Pokémon Diamond this evening, and I decided to dress up my fellow Pokémon who turns out to be an earthy dragon:

Yep, Fangz sure is ablaze with glittery passion. 😛 Oh, and here’s an additional bonus before I sign off for tonight:

Current Art Mood: I Heart Combine Elites
I got bored so I decided to create a thing in Adobe Illustrator. Here’s my new piece of artwork that involves one-eyed Combine soldiers:
Yep, I’m still in love with those handsome soldiers dressed in white armor. 😛
Ze Open Thread Has Begun!
Meh… my brain is too tired to come up with something good to blog about for tonight. It needs some brain rest…
Open Thread!
Chow Time For Chuckie
I was about to serve myself some Mexican food for dinner but I got distracted by Chuckie eating some cat food:
Yep, he’s really enjoying that stuff alright. 😛