Some Summertime Fun With Borderlands 2

Death to all spiderants!

I decided to celebrate the first day of summer by playing some Borderlands 2, and I’ve spent a golden key on a couple of new splat guns before I set out on a journey to go guns blazing on some bad guys and evil creatures. Here are the screenshots of what I’m talking about:

I even got myself a new skin customization of the Fan Boat variety right here:

Well, my time is now up because I gotta get back to doing more gaming stuff before I’m done for tonight. See ya!

More Fun With Borderlands 2

I want that skull helmet and witch doctor’s shield inside that wooden Claptrap.

I’ve been battling some more bad guys in Borderlands 2 this evening, and here’s a weapon that I got after spending some golden keys the other day:

I also earned a couple of Dahl blaster rifles but I don’t have screenshots of those. So now is my time to take a break from this game and go do the bed thing. Ciao!

Current Gaming Mood: Max Payne 2

Instead of playing some TF2 or GMod I decided to play around some Max Payne 2 since it’s been a while. Although the game is Max Payne and you play as Max, for four levels you play as another character named Mona Sax. Here are some screenshots of things during the gameplay:

It’s an old game but what I like about Max Payne 2 are the ragdoll physics:

I have managed to battle my way against dozens of gun-toting cleaners including the boss cleaner named Kaufman. I made my way to the Prologue level in the Part 2 where Max Payne is at the police station. There he pays a visit to Mona Sax, who’s being locked up in a jail cell for murdering some cleaners.

Now to think about what to play next… πŸ˜›

Hi-Ho to the Bawderlands I go

Been playing around some Borderlands 2 lately, and I finally managed to reach level 38 as Mechromancer. I’ve also been finding some good weaponry including a legendary weapon known as the Bunny, a Barbie-colored rocket launcher with an evil white rabbit painted on it, while I was doing some level grinding:

I decided to put this adorably deadly weapon in my stash safe located in Sanctuary, then I can give it to my dad Ivan_Fookinov when he reaches level 31 the next time the Slackers gamers blow stuff up in this game. πŸ™‚

Space Adventure Shenanigans in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Last night I had some fun goofing around in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel with my friends Tomala and Yutram along with Yutram’s roommate.

Tomala did a YouTube live stream of it but unfortunately the stream didn’t last very long because it kept glitching out for no apparent reason, but at least we managed up ourselves a bit and made really good progress in the game. πŸ™‚

The Wang has risen!

Tomala let me know that Shadow Warrior was free on Humble Bundle, so I went and grabbed a copy:

Wassup fuckers? Prepare to be annihilated!

You play as Lo Wang, a legendary warrior who can kill enemies with his sword or guns, if he has ammunition. He can do other things like dash in any direction just by pressing the Shift key then pressing the usual W, S, A or D. If you hold the Shift key and press W, Wang will start to sprint until his stamina drops. I also like how you can slice and dice dead enemies into bits and pieces:

Another cool thing is when you press R while you’re equipped with the Penetrator [great name], it sputters like fireworks:

LMAO! πŸ˜›

There are some special things in this game like Dark Crystals which give me Ki, an energy that allows me to learn or upgrade demonic powers. Other special things in this game are spirits from fallen creatures which give you health, karma to learn and upgrade my skills, and demon hearts that kills all demons from six meters away from me, which is demonically awesome. πŸ˜€ I made my way to Chapter 2 which is The Party Bus after killing dozens of enemy humans and demons in the first one, and then I took some screenshots of arcade machines plus the original classic Shadow Warrior arcade machine in the Prologue:

Not a bad game… I don’t think I’ll have to be too bored to play this again. πŸ™‚

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala