Round Two Of Extreme Blog Makeover
I’ve spent another evening giving my site a brand new look. I’ve finally found a theme that’s a few years old but it’s better than the other themes that take up too much unused background space, and I’m positive with the way my site looks for right now. I’m still looking forward to searching for other plugins maybe someday in the future.
And now for my next trick now that my work here is done, it’s time for my evening celebration of my site’s brand new makeover. 🙂
Tuesday Evening Site Related Open Thread
Just going to leave an open thread for tonight because I was too busy trying to give my website a brand new makeover.
Open Thread!
Have An Orange Backyard Kitty Cat
I took this picture of Chuckie last week. He was hanging out in our backyard being Chuckie:
He also likes to camp out on top of the stump, hide inside the raspberry bushes and all that stuff because he’s Chuckie. 😛
Another Round Of Pokémon Fashion Makeover
I decided to do another fashion accessory roundup in Pokémon Diamond tonight, and here’s two of my nicknamed Fighting-type friends nicknamed after the Mortal Kombat fighters:
Yep, Kano and Raiden are my handsome Pokémon ninjas who love to destroy enemies who chose to fight against them. 🙂
Today’s Friday the 13th! And Speaking Of…
I was bored so I decided to make a new custom sibling in Scribblenauts this evening:
Now is his time to go grab a machete or any kind of weapon and strike fear into anyone’s hearts, especially Maxwell’s regular siblings. 😛
Skating In The Sheets
Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you a GBC sprite sheet that I have uploaded to the Spriters Resource website:
I even ripped the game’s GB error message:
The reason why I ripped them is because I remember playing this cool skateboarding game on my GBA, and it was really fun even though I’m shit at performing skateboarding trick combos. 🙂
Monday Evening Open Thread
I’m just going to leave this as an open thread this week because my brain is too tired to come up with something good to report on…
Open Thread!
Happy Caturday!
It’s that time! I snapped a pic of a cute girl cat named Kiki. She likes to hang out on our property just about everyday:
Yeah, she really is a beautiful cat alright. 🙂
More Fun With Mario Golf 64
I came back to playing some Mario Golf for the Nintendo 64 this evening, and I decided to torture myself by unlocking new characters. Up first is Luigi, and we started off in the Toad Highlands. So far, I have won the first three holes against Luigi. Yippee!
That’s three medals down, and seven more to go. Time to celebrate by taking a good break! 🙂
Have Some More Sprite Sheets
I still got nothing good to report on, so here’s a couple of Game Boy sprite sheets of the Monopoly type uploaded in the Spriters Resource website from awhile back:
Both those versions of Monopoly are always fun for me. 🙂