Duke Dirtfarmer Enters Scribblenauts Unmasked

I’ve been playing some more Scribblenauts Unmasked this evening, and I wanted to show you my custom character of a Jedi farmer known as Duke Dirtfarmer:

I re-uploaded him to the workshop last year because my old version of him along with most of my custom objects/characters became invisible due to a clean install of Windows 10 from awhile back. Anyways, back to saving the world from a lot of evil villains before calling it a night.

Coming Back to Scribblenauts Unmasked *again*

After doing my heroic skirmish against the DC Comics supervillains in Scribblenauts Unmasked I decided to create my custom Hunter from the L4D series which is now added to my collection:

Unfortunately he cannot pounce on people just like the actual Hunter but he has the adjective ‘jumping’ added to him when created, but he does have 250 health just like in the L4D games. I even uploaded two more workshop items on Steam that include my versions of the supervillains in-game. If anybody wants to check them out on Steam then feel free to do so.

Left 4 Dead 2 Versus but it’s destroyed by mods

My apologies for the lack of posting for the last couple days due to real life. Either way, I’ve been playing on some random servers lately in L4D2 with some people and/or bots just to test out some mods in their workshop on Steam, and so far the mods I’ve selected have seem to work except a few of them that only replace the original Tank theme music with the Castlevania Chronicles boss theme, ‘Crambone’ from Tom and Jerry, etc. Hopefully the authors who made those Tank music mods would fix them someday because every time I tried to use them but it plays the original Tank theme instead, so I’m sticking with the Cowboy Bebop Tank theme instead because that mod still works without any problems.

Unfortunately I noticed the other day that one of my favorite L4D2 mods has been removed from their workshop which is Jenny (XJ-9) from ‘My Life As A Teenage Robot’ who replaces Rochelle in-game. Here is a screenshot of what I’m talking about:

That survivor mod was created last year in the workshop, and I’m already gonna miss that mod. 🙁 Oh well, at least I have other Nickelodeon cartoon characters that replace the survivors such as the ones from ‘SpongeBob SquarePants’ and ‘Jimmy Neutron’.

Kermit Gets High (And Hung On The Ceiling)

Last night I was testing out some workshop mods in Left 4 Dead 2, and I took this screenshot of Kermit the Frog (a workshop mod that replaces the Hunter) getting his left hand stuck high on the ceiling:

I’d thought that was truly hilarious when that happened. 😛 I also remember watching that one part on my sis Tomala’s L4D2 live stream titled “EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER!!!!!” from last year where the Jockey got his body stuck on the ceiling after killing him using the Admin Menu because she was being ridden by him for about 20 seconds.

The Top Clown of the Scribblenauts Unmasked Workshop

It was announced today I was checking out the Scribblenauts Unmasked workshop on Steam, and one of my workshop items has become the most popular workshop item for today:

Yep, he totally Dan Dan Duu’d his way to the top of the first page of most popular Scribblenauts Unmasked workshop items this week. Congratulations Ronald! 😛

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala