Have another piece of SFM artwork

Last night I was toying around in SFM and made my latest art piece:

The whole story behind this picture is a Pokémon trainer is being reunited with a group of friendly high contrast white Combine soldiers who are so happy to meet him as they’re giving him hugs and red jewels that are shaped like hearts. 🙂

In tonight’s post: Combine Lampoon’s Pokémon Vacation

Success! I have completed my latest SFM artwork project of a group of Pokémon Trainers meeting the Combine soldiers and a friendly zombified Gold Gibus Soldier with a head of a watermelon in a cartoonish city, and I decided to make two new Pokemon trainers which are Ruby (a female trainer in red and white) and Amanda (a female trainer in black and blue).


More SFM artwork projects will be uploaded shortly as soon as they’re completely verified. 🙂

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala