Have another piece of SFM artwork

Last night I was toying around in SFM and made my latest art piece:

The whole story behind this picture is a Pokémon trainer is being reunited with a group of friendly high contrast white Combine soldiers who are so happy to meet him as they’re giving him hugs and red jewels that are shaped like hearts. 🙂

Current SFM Mood: Combine Spa Beach Vacation

I’ve had a strange but awesome dream the other night. I dreamt about being at a spa on a random island while being greeted by a group of friendly Combine Soldiers, and they started giving me foot massages while offering me free pizza and beverages. Here’s an artwork picture of what I’m talking about:

I did little modifications to this project such as camera angling, lighting, and I noticed that the chairs and tables were floating off the ground a little so I fixed that right up, so now it’s uploaded on my Steam activity feed. So now the question is what am I gonna make for my next SFM artwork project for tomorrow? We’ll find out when it’s ready for uploading.

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala