Ray-Ray the Terrorist Bids Farewell

I decided to come back to doing some Adobe Illustrator, but this time I made some artwork on behalf of Rachael Ray’s farewell to her daytime talk show:

Yeah, I always love watching her show because she always make good food and sometimes ruins it by adding horrible ingredients such as cilantro, broccolini and kale. ๐Ÿคฎ Either way, I’m sure going to miss watching her show so much. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Current Art Mood: Fwendz of Quack Tres

I decided to do some image tracing on my Quake 3 Arena screenshot and turned it into a wonderful masterpiece on behalf of my friend Tomala’s Q3A live stream back in 2019. Here it is:

And now for my next trick, I will continue my journey to visit standard maps in the game. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala