Super Short Tuesday Evening Open Thread
Two words: Open thread.
Lil’ Red Tapping Shoes
I came back to playing a bit of Scribblenauts since it’s been awhile, and I decided to create and upload another character in the workshop:

It was one of my favorite fantasy movies back when it came out.
More Poker Fun In Ultimate Card Games
I was bored so I did some Poker against my own characters in Ultimate Card Games for the GBA, and so far I managed to pull off a few wins like a boss.
Now I’m up to a winning streak of 4 total games played. I’m still a Poker Shark in this game.
Time For A Chuckie Cat Photo
I had my camera armed and deployed last night, and I snapped this cat pic of Chuckie doing an adorably sweet yawn:
Now that’s what I call a silent roar of the orange hairball.
Have A Piece Of St. Patty’s Day Artwork
I decided to come back to playing a bit of Borderlands 2 since it’s been awhile, and I thought I’d show you all my St. Patrick’s Day artwork related to the game:
I hope everyone else celebrated a good St. Patrick’s Day, too.
Sunday Evening Open Thread
I can’t think of anything else to blog about, so I’m just gonna leave this as a thread that opens.
Open Thread.
I Got Nothing, So Here’s Kikyo And Her Kittehs *again*
I Like Pi
I was getting bored so I put together a piece of pixel artwork on Pi day:
You’re welcome.
Show Me The Wobbuffet!
I’ve been playing more Pokémon Diamond, and here’s my latest fashion Pokémon for the evening:

Also, she is nicknamed after the student of Pokémon Tech from the old-school animated TV series.
Have Another Robot Of The Scribblenauts Type
Here’s a Scribblenauts Unlimited item that I uploaded in the Steam workshop last month:

That was another robot added to my collection, bringing me a total of 35 robots. Hooray for me!