Checking Out Caesars Palace Of The Advance Variety

Here’s another game for the Game Boy Advance that I’ve been playing:

There are numerous casino games to choose from, and each bet will make you feel the major excitement. Whenever you feel down on your luck, visit the conveniently located ATM for additional cash, or save the status of your account at any time using the Password Feature in which I don’t have any screenshots of those. Here are two casino games that are my most favorite of all:

Video Poker

I did get to check out different casino games like Roulette and Craps, which they’re both alright but not as great as Video Poker and Blackjack. So far I have managed to rack up a total of $2,660. I really enjoyed playing this GBA casino simulation game. 🙂

Time For More Kikyo Cat Fotoz

I took this cute cat picture of Kikyo last night. She was hiding inside her comfy cat tent in the laundry room.

And here’s another pic of her sleeping with Billy and Mandy on the deep freeze:

Well, that’s a wrap right here and I’m off to do more stuff before shutting down for the night. Adios, amigos!

Have A Cute Valentine’s Day Pokémon

I decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day by dressing up my big pink Pokémon who’s shaped like an egg in Pokémon Diamond:

Carluda the Blissey with pink fuzzy hair and a tiara with three pink flowers.

Carluda sure looks cute when she’s happy. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you ladies and gentlemen all around the world!

Check Out My New TF2 Cosmetic

I’ve been blowing more stuff up in TF2, and I have sold enough old crates to purchase the Paka Parka from the community market:

So now my Heavy has a thick winter coat which goes great with my team-colored Tundra Top and my grey Reader’s Choice.

Well, that’s enough of that because tomorrow there are plans to play a game of musical hard drives. Stay tuned!

Big Bleach And Rusty The Boy Scribblenaut

I came back to playing more Scribblenauts this evening, and I uploaded two more characters to the workshop of the Steam variety:

Kaname Tōsen from ‘Bleach’.
Rusty from ‘Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot’.

Go ahead and feel free to check these out in the workshop if anyone is interested.

Welcome To My Forretress Of Fashion

Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you my latest fashionable bagworm in Pokémon of the Diamond type:

Pookie the Forretress with pink hair and flower boulders.

She’s actually nicknamed after my Forretress from Pokémon Emerald:

Yep, Pookie is my sweet beloved steel bubble of happiness. 😛