Playing Some Tetris But With Japanese Fairies
I decided to check out a Japanese Tetris-based puzzle game for the Game Boy called Chiki Chiki Tengoku, and the main objective in this game is to line up 3 or more different objects that descend onto the playing field which turn into stars while clearing the remaining others. Once the player completes a row of stars or more, the stars turn into fairies and the other remaining stars will be cleared out. Here’s a screenshot of the actual gameplay:
Another thing in this game is that the fairies can’t fly away from the playing field until the objects above them are either turned into stars or cleared from play. This game has positive abilities such as object transformers and rockets, and it also has a negative ability which is a diamond-shaped piece of brick, and if you make a row of them it takes up part of the playing field. Oh no!
Anyways, I have managed to clear levels from 1-1 to 3-4. Hooray!
Oh, and what I like about this game is there’s an in-game screensaver where fairies keep flying upwards every time a player clears a level. I love it! π
I’m now on level 4-2 in this game, and I think I’ll call it here for tonight. But yeah, this is a pretty fun puzzle game made from Japan. π
Playing A Game Of The Card Variety
I was checking out a Japanese Game Boy card game called Card Game. This game has 4 different games to choose from. Here are the screenshots of what I’m talking about:

And as a result…
Oh, and here’s a sprite sheet that I’ve submitted to the Spriters Resource after playing this game:
But yeah, this is another fun card game from Japan. π
Current Gaming Mood: Amida For Der Game Boi
Yesterday I was checking out Amida, a Japanese Game Boy puzzle game where you must solve intricate mazes by connecting lines between pillars strategically. Here’s what the gameplay looks like:
Anyways, I’ve successfully completed the first level without touching an evil skull because doing so will lose a life.
That was a fun puzzle game, and I’ll come back to do level 2 someday whenever I feel like playing it. π
Caesars Palace Beaten With Very Best Ending Of All
I decided to come back to playing the Game Boy version of Caesars Palace, and I’ve been winning a giant amount of fake money until I got notified by a female cashier named Suzy:
And guess how much I won?
That’s just enough to get the very best ending in this game. Hooray!
I also like how this ending contains a jingle that sounded exactly like the 20th Century Fox theme song. But yeah, I just wish all this money and the limousine were real. π
Checking Out Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance Of The GBA Type
I’ve been checking out Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance of the GBA variety. Here’s a screenshot of what the gameplay looks like:

Anyways, this is pretty much my least favorite MK game of all time because each fighter in the game has only one fatality instead of two, and it has no stage fatalities.

Another reason why is because I kept getting my ass handed to me by the AI on normal difficulty, but at least I finally beat it on that difficulty after several failed attempts. But yeah, I had a lot fun but that was super intense.
Fun with Family Feud for the Game Boy Advance
Last night I decided to check out Family Feud for the GBA. Here’s a screenshot of the gameplay:

Either way, I have managed to defeat the computer family and beat the game by scoring 200+ points in the bonus round and winning the $20,000 grand prize:
This game is alright but definitely not my cup of tea even though I finished it. However; what I like about this game is you can customize family members and also edit their names:
But yeah, it takes all types to play this fun game. π
Fun With Bookworm For The Game Boy Advance
I found a GBA game that looks similar to Scrabble Blast, and that is Bookworm. It’s a puzzle game where the objective is to link letters and create words to feed the hungry bookworm while trying to keep the fiery red letters from reaching the bottom of your library or else the game is over. Also, you’ll be rewarded with bonus letters if you make long words. Here’s the gameplay of what I’m talking about:
I’m currently at level 15 right now, and I’ve been currently ranked Editor after completing the previous level:
I think this will be a good place to do a checkpoint because I’m heading off to rippify some sprite sheetifications. Goodnight!
Current Gaming Mood: Mighty Beanz Pocket Puzzle
I’ve been playing around with some Mighty Beanz Pocket Puzzles tonight. It’s a puzzle game for the GBA where you must swap and combine pieces of the Beanz together to successfully match their upper and lower halves to make them whole again. The more you match, the more points you score in this game. Here’s a screenshot of the gameplay:
I have now reached level 4 in this game, and I think I’ll plan on taking a break to play this game until I feel like it.
The stats in this game will show your current score, how much time taken, combos and number of Beanz after you complete a level. It’s a really fun puzzle game for the GBA, and I’m happy with that. π
Pocket Billiards Fun Time
I decided to check out a Japanese Game Boy Color sports game called ‘Pocket Billiards: Funk The 9 Ball’:
Here’s a screenshot of the actual gameplay:
You’re playing a game of pool against various computer players, and the objective is to sink the 9 ball last and get the most balls in order to win the game.
What I like about this game, is there’s an instant replay feature after the 9 ball is sunk down.
This is a lot of fun. I’m so adding this to my private collection. π
Having Fun with Caesars Palace Too
I’ve been playing some Caesars Palace II for the Game Boy Color this evening. This is a sequel to Caesars Palace, and it’s similar to the original. But this time you play as an unnamed male protagonist which can be named. You start out with $2,000 and are later given a $10,000 credit limit by the cashier:
After that, you can walk around the casino floor to choose which game you wish to play.

Unlike the first Caesars Palace game, you must win enough money to enter high roller areas. Which means the more money you accumulate, the more fancy-looking your character’s clothes will be. So far I have entered all the high roller areas, wore the most fanciest clothes, and reached over one millions dollars. Awesome!
I just wish the money and the fancy clothes were real. π