Happy New Year’s Day 2025
Happy New Year to everyone! I just want to start off by uploading two of my new uploaded workshop items of the Scribblenauts variety:

So that brings to me a total of 32 Bleach characters in one collection, and a total of 30 robots in another. A good way to start off 2025, and now let’s hope we’ll survive this year.
I made an Alphabet Lore art thing
I’ve got nothing to talk about, so here’s another piece of art that I’ve been working on in Adobe Illustrator and Krita:
I was bored so I turned this screenshot from ‘Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project’ into a simply beautiful piece of art:
And now for my next trick, I will now go do the bed thing… 😴
I did a thing in 4/20
I made another PAC3 outfit in GMod this evening, but this time it’s related to today’s date:
And now I’m off to have fun playing video games while getting stoned. 😛
I did a thing on Easter
Have Some Easter PokéBunnies
Since Easter begins in four days, I thought I’d share a picture of my Easter-related outfits for Dawn, Rosa and May:
I think I’ll plan on doing some Easter artwork tomorrow. Stay tuned!
PAC3 Fashion Show Roundup
I got back to making more funny PAC3 outfits in GMod, and this I’m working on the ones for my Dawn and Rosa player models:
Once again, there will be more on a later date.
Another Round of GMod Fashion Fun Time
I’ve been making more silly PAC3 outfits in GMod lately:
Stay tuned for more! 😛
Extreme GMod Makeover: Part 2
I’ve been toying around with the PAC3 editor in GMod. Here are the pictures:
There will be more of them made at a later date. Goodnight!
More PAC3 Fashion Fun in GMod
I’ve been working on the pink alien costumes for my Dawn and Anna player models in GMod. Here’s a picture of what I’m talking about:
Now they look like lovely, fashionable martians. 😛