Doing Some More Scribblenauts Shenanigans

I created a new sibling while I was venturing around in Scribblenauts. Here is a screenshot of my new sibling:

I’ve also been uploading a bunch of fictional robot characters from different movies and TV shows, and speaking of robots here’s a pic of Claptrap throwing a simply fabulous robot party in Grave Manor:

Well, I’ve said enough for tonight. Now it’s time to go ahead and do my bed thing. Goodnight ladies and gentlemen!

Saturday Winter Night Source FilmMaking Time!

I’ve been working on my latest holiday photo project in SFM the other day, and I got everything adjusted accordingly such as lighting, camera angling and positioning. Now it’s ready to be uploaded on Christmas this year. 🙂

Open Thread!

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala