Monday Evening Open Thread: Another round of SFM artwork

I was playing around on some SFM lately and I made my latest SFM project of the three Slackers characters having a good time at a random local bar while our versions of Batman and Robin show up and started staring at us and the Combine Soldiers who are playing Quarters but with a Saxton Hale coin instead of an actual quarter:

I think I’ll plan on doing more SFM art projects once my weekend starts. So stick around and enjoy this thread that has now been opened.

Welcome to the Luxurious Cruise of BATMAAAAN!!!

Guess what I’ve been working on for my next project in SFM?

This is a picture of my versions of Victor and Gloria, the two main characters from Pokémon Sword and Shield, decided to go spend some quality time out on a wonderful cruise together until Batman showed up and started doing crazy things which surprised the ever-loving heck out of Victor and Gloria. 😛 I will be planning on uploading this on Steam tomorrow after I showed this to my sis Tomala to make sure everything’s in order such as the lighting, camera angles, character’s movements, etc.

My Simply Fabulous Japanese Vacation with the Combine

Been toying around on some SFM lately since it’s been awhile, and here’s what I’ve been doing for my next project:

This is a picture of me enjoying my vacation in Japan with two friendly Combine soldiers who are happy to visit me while my own version of Batman shows up and starts spying on me because he’s Batman. 😛


I decided to Photoshop my GMod screenshot of Batman dressed as a princess but I made his face much more funny-looking because his face in the screenshot looked too serious. Here’s a screenshot of what I’m talking about:

Tomorrow I will be heading off to work at 7 in the morning to do some jobs that need to be done if necessary. I was going to plan making some more hand drawn artwork or maybe continue working on my comic art project after I come home from work.

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala