Feel The Power Of DOOOOOOOM!!!
Guess who I made in Scribblenauts last night?
This G information retrieval unit of mine is already in the Steam workshop and added to my collection of fictional robots. Click here to check out the rest of the robots in the collection.
Christmas Time with the Nicktoons characters
Ladies and gentlemen, I now present you… my SFM pic of the Nicktoons characters celebrating the holly jolly holiday known as Christmas!
Harry Christmas to all and to all a good Nickelodeon. 😛
The Animaniacs meet the Full Metal Mexican Dancing Robot
Guess what I’ve been working on in SFM lately this evening?
This is my latest SFM artwork project of the Animaniacs playing stringed instruments while GIR is doing the Mexican robot dance, and Zim has a new and intelligent robot servant. 😛
Either way, I think I’ll plan doing more SFM projects tomorrow because I got one more nightmare shift to do and then I’m off the for the next few days. So stick around until I come back to my own headquarters.
Current SFM Mood: Nicktoons Vacation in Sunset Island
I’ve been making yet another SFM project for tonight. Here is a screenshot of my latest work in progress:
I still need to the last few touch-ups such as adding a few birds on top of the sky, adjusting camera angles and also the characters’ arms and legs to make them less stiff and more natural once it’s all good to go for uploading on Steam. 🙂
Gmod Tuesday Night Open Thread
I’ve been playing some Gmod for a while, and I got some stuff from their workshop. Here are some of them:

Oh yeah! But it would’ve been even better if their workshop has character ragdolls from Jimmy Neutron, Ren & Stimpy, etc. 😛