Super Trip to the Scribblenauts Unmasked Workshop

Last night I’ve been having fun blowing stuff up in Scribblenauts Unmasked after uploading a few of my latest items in their workshop on Steam. Oh, and speaking of, I went to check out their workshop this evening and noticed that two of my latest items have climbed their way to the top of the Most Popular list this week for right now:

I felt so happily amazed when I saw that. πŸ™‚

A visit to the Scribblenauts Unmasked workshop

I’ve been checking out the Scribblenauts Unmasked workshop on Steam earlier this evening, and one of my workshop items has made its way to the top of the first page as this week’s most popular items:

I was really happy to see Super Mecha Death Christ reaching 1st place as the most popular workshop item of the week. πŸ™‚

Raptor Jesus rises from the dead (again)

Hooray! I got 420 gems!!! πŸ˜›

I’ve been checking out the Steam workshop for Scribblenauts Unlimited this evening, and my Raptor Jesus character has made his way to the first page of this week’s Most Popular workshop items:

I felt amazingly excited when this happened. πŸ˜€ On another note I got 17 cents added to my Steam wallet because I’ve been selling items at the Community Market lately. So now I just need to wait for more of my items to appear in the market so I can earn more money. πŸ™‚

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala