Have My Handsome Dragon Pokémon

I’ve been playing a bit of Pokémon Diamond this evening, and I decided to dress up my fellow Pokémon who turns out to be an earthy dragon:

Fangz the Garchomp

Yep, Fangz sure is ablaze with glittery passion. 😛 Oh, and here’s an additional bonus before I sign off for tonight:

This is my sprite sheet of the Nintendo DS game icons for Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Anyways, that is all.

Saturday Afternoon Fashion Roundup, Pokémon-Style

I’ve been defeating more enemy trainers in Pokémon Diamond this afternoon, and here’s a couple pics of my handsomely fashioned Rock-type buddies nicknamed after the enemies from Quake II:

Icarus the Aerodactyl

Enforcer the Rampardos

And speaking of, I’m looking forward to playing Quake II for the Nintendo 64 on my Project64 emulator someday in the future before I get my hands on the remastered version of the game.

Current Pokémon Fashion Mood: Shell Of A Woman

I thought I’d celebrate the bonus day by playing some Pokémon Diamond, and here’s a screenshot of my fashioned Water-type critter:

Chell the Shellder, named after the female protagonist from Portal. She’s my sweet bivalve of love. 😛

GLaDOS would be really, really happy for me. 😛

Pokémon Diamond Dress Up Roundup

I was playing a little bit of Pokémon Diamond after some more sprite sheet ripping shenanigans. Here’s a water-type Pokémon dressed in fashion accessories:

Neptune the Vaporeon, named after the god of water and the sea in ancient Roman mythology.

He is also named after King Neptune, so that’s why he has a white mustache and beard and he wears a crown on his head. 🙂

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala