Extreme Housecleaning Open Thread with some Bawderlands Dos gaming fun
I’ve got nothing much to blog about this evening. I’ve been doing some housecleaning lately since our landlord is coming over tomorrow at 4 o’ clock in the afternoon just to inspect inside our house to see if anything looks clean. I got all the dusting and carpet brushing out of the way, and I also wiped down my computer desk after giving it a good dusting. So now we just need to do a few more chores around the house such as clean the bathrooms and wipe up any dirty spots on the kitchen floor then it’ll be good to go.
Either way, I was playing some more Borderlands 2 lately and I got myself some more latest weaponry after spending a buttload of keys over at Sanctuary, and I also found a brand new Commando skin customization from a dead chubby spiderant located in The Dust:

I tried out that skin color customization on my Commando character and it looked quite fantastic. π
Feelin’ The Need For Speed
I decided to take a break from Bawderlands Dos and play around some Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2, a racing game where you have to race against opponent racers while trying to get away from the chasing cop cars as you complete through different races like Single Race, Lap Knockout, etc.
So far this old-school racing game seems to be running fine on my computer just like Need For Speed Underground, and I have managed to win two gold medals right off the bat in the Championship race branch and completed a few races in Single Challenge mode, which that part is what like about in this game. π
And now for no strange reason here’s a screenshot of my most favorite street sign in Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2:

The reason why is because I like the artwork, the background color and all the words on the sign in two font types which are Brush Script MT and Times New Roman. Oh, and another reason why is because I love lighthouses. π
Face Creator Glitches in Ultimate Card Games
I have been making new characters with the Face Creator in Ultimate Card Games for the Game Boy Advance on my VisualBoyAdvance emulator last year. I was modifying some things for a various character when suddenly their face becomes glitched and multicolored for some strange reason. Here are a few screenshots of what happened to the characters’ faces after the glitch occurred:

I find that really weird every time that happened. π
Friday Night Open Thread
It was a cold, rainy day earlier this evening. My family and I enjoyed some cheeseburgers and french fries for tonight’s dinner which was 100% delicious. π
After I got done eating dinner I decided to spend a buttload of Golden Keys for some latest weaponry and get rid of my old weapons in Borderlands 2. Oh, I also found a new Bandit Technical skin customization that I found located in The Dust:

I decided to keep some of my Level 37 weapons which I’ll be giving them to my sister Tomala the next time we blow stuff up in this game.
Open thread.
Hi-Ho to the Bawderlands I go

Been playing around some Borderlands 2 lately, and I finally managed to reach level 38 as Mechromancer. I’ve also been finding some good weaponry including a legendary weapon known as the Bunny, a Barbie-colored rocket launcher with an evil white rabbit painted on it, while I was doing some level grinding:

I decided to put this adorably deadly weapon in my stash safe located in Sanctuary, then I can give it to my dad Ivan_Fookinov when he reaches level 31 the next time the Slackers gamers blow stuff up in this game. π
My First Kitteh Fotoz of the Year
Last night I went downstairs to the laundry room to catch up on some laundry but I caught Stewie sleeping on my father’s shirts on top of the deep freeze, so I took a couple pics of the evidence:

I Got The Monopoly Fever
Been playing an old-school board game Monopoly (not for the PC) with my mother San_San earlier this afternoon since it’s been a long time for the both of us. San_San chose Dog as her game piece because she gets the Dog just about every game on Monopoly, and I went for the Shoe as my game piece. We have been collecting various property assets in hopes of getting a Monopoly, buying houses and hotels, and paying rent money to each other for about an hour. But in the end, I am the winning champion of Monopoly because San_San was on St. James Place and she rolled 7 on the dice and then landed on my red-colored property Indiana Avenue for the third time which she owed me $1,050 for rent with a hotel on the property but she declared bankruptcy because she didn’t have enough money to pay me after she sold her houses and mortgaged all of her properties.
Then I get to put the Monopoly game away as part of my great victory. It sure was fun playing that game. π Maybe next time we play Monopoly we should con my sister Tomala to join us.
Oh, and speaking of, here’s a picture of a ‘Player Bankrupt’ cutscene from Monopoly for the Game Boy Color but I replaced the Monopoly guy’s pants with a pink skirt and the Monopoly guy’s face with a female face with pink hair and ponytail to make it look like San_San’s face:

Yep, it sure was fun being a good thousandaire in this game. π
First Open Thread of the Year

I sold enough junk from my Steam inventory this evening to purchase the Dancing Doe, a bandana for the Soldier based on the one worn by Ricardo Milos, and a couple things from the Steam market.
Then after I got that out of the way, my family and I chowed down some tacos and nachos for tonight’s dinner:

And the next thing we know after we’re all done eating dinner is we get to drink 2 rounds of B-52 Bombers as our great after-dinner celebration. π
Here’s something for New Year’s Day