Wednesday Night Belated Birthday Dinner Open Thread
My apologies for not posting last couple days ago. Either way, my family and I went over to visit a friendly elderly family relative of ours at their house for dinner this evening.

We were chowing down on some yummy lasagna along with salad that they made, and then we enjoyed some chocolate cake with sprinkles on my belated birthday. Here’s the picture of my belated birthday cake:

I did receive a happy birthday card from them, and the birthday card contained a $25 Visa gift card. Awesome! Now I just need to save my gift card for the Steam Summer Sale this year. 🙂
Once again, my family and I lived for another day as always.
‘Twas a Quiet Sunday Night…
Tonight was a very quiet night from here, and there’s nothing much to write about. My family and I were enjoying some delicious store-bought pizza for dinner earlier this evening.
I have been getting back to working on my next comic art project after I got done eating dinner. The one that I’m currently working on includes school bullies and karate. So far I almost got the first row of my comic art project filled in, but once that done I’ll work on the second row next.
But for now, it is time for me to get some good sleep and hopefully fight off any nightmares that were coming after me.
The Ceramic Bowl Incident with a cute Morty pic
My family and I had some chili and corn muffins for dinner this evening after our home inspection is a success, and while I was having my second round of dinner I heard one of my sister Tomala’s ceramic bowls fall off the top of our microwave in the kitchen, landed on the kitchen table causing the bowl to shatter into bits and pieces. So we got up the broom and dustpan to clean up all the tiny ceramic shards by using the broom to sweep them into the dustpan and then straight into the trash. It appears that all the ceramic bowls were stacked in awkward positions according to my dad.
Anyways, here is a nice cat pic from last month of this handsome little guy being a couch weasel:

Friday Night Open Thread
It was a cold, rainy day earlier this evening. My family and I enjoyed some cheeseburgers and french fries for tonight’s dinner which was 100% delicious. 🙂
After I got done eating dinner I decided to spend a buttload of Golden Keys for some latest weaponry and get rid of my old weapons in Borderlands 2. Oh, I also found a new Bandit Technical skin customization that I found located in The Dust:

I decided to keep some of my Level 37 weapons which I’ll be giving them to my sister Tomala the next time we blow stuff up in this game.
Open thread.
First Open Thread of the Year

I sold enough junk from my Steam inventory this evening to purchase the Dancing Doe, a bandana for the Soldier based on the one worn by Ricardo Milos, and a couple things from the Steam market.
Then after I got that out of the way, my family and I chowed down some tacos and nachos for tonight’s dinner:

And the next thing we know after we’re all done eating dinner is we get to drink 2 rounds of B-52 Bombers as our great after-dinner celebration. 🙂
Christmas Time has arrived!
We had a friendly elderly guest of ours coming over to our house this evening for a visit, and we were chowing down some delicious Christmas dinner which is Tri Tip roast beef with baked potatoes, salad, dinner rolls, corn and artichoke casserole:

After we’re all done eating dinner we decided to celebrate the holiday by drinking a good round of B-52 Bomber cocktails, and then our guest sent us some presents that contain candy and gift cards. Not only did I get the Christmas candy and a $25 VISA gift card, I also got a brand new handheld flashlight. 🙂
And now for no weird reason here’s a TF2 screenshot that I took and made it out of something for the holiday:

Early Thanksgiving Open Thread
We had our friendly elderly visitor coming over to our house earlier this evening and enjoyed some delicious Thanksgiving dinner which is turkey with cranberries, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, candied yams and artichokes. Here’s the screenshot of the Thanksgiving dinner while spending time with the whole family:

This was good food on a happy early Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to watch this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade tomorrow if there is a live stream for it available on YouTube. 🙂
Last Open Thread of the Month
I have managed to complete my nature-related collection earlier this afternoon after pulling up some unwanted weeds and fake grass out back especially the ones from yesterday that my father mowed down some tall grass with the weed wacker. It was a collection of seeding dandelion puffballs that I carefully stored them all in my small rectangular wooden box without knocking the parachute seeds loose, and so far I counted a total of 24 puffballs. Here’s a picture of what I’m talking about:

So now I’ve got a good batch of white fuzzy puffy bubbles in a box. 😛 Anyways, my family and I enjoyed some delicious hot dogs that my mother cooked up for dinner since we had hamburgers for yesterday’s dinner. My compliments to the chef that hot dogs and hamburgers are both exquisitively delicious as long as they’re homemade. 🙂
After I got done eating dinner I went down in the garage to help my father mount two fittings from under the Mustang while I move to the passenger’s side of it and turn the tubes to the right several times in order to complete the process. Either way, we got all that car work done and out of the way for the night.
Open Thread! Have at it, ppl!
In tonight’s post: Dow Jones takes a big dump thanks to Twitler
My family and I had some homemade fried chicken topped with chopped red bell peppers and onions for dinner along with some salad and buttered French bread this evening. It sure is quite enjoyable and delicious. 🙂
And now for the bad news out in the real world, yesterday has been a rough day because the orange-faced Presidential lunatic Metamucilini has crashed the Wall Street stock market which caused the Dow Jones to plunge 600 points after declaring that all the people in China need to get out of there. I found a quote from an article at some website that includes parts of Twitler’s tweet after the stock market crash incident occurred:
Our Country has lost, stupidly, trillions of dollars with China over many years. They have stolen our intellectual property at a rate of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, & they want to continue. I won’t let that happen! We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them. The vast amounts of money made and stolen by China from the United States, year after year, for decades, will and must STOP. I will be responding to China’s tariffs this afternoon. This is a GREAT opportunity for the United States. We will keep it that way!
My god, he really is a worthless piece of orange scum… I just hope he gets impeached and kicked out of the Presidential office for doing all the stupid things he had done since he was elected President against Hillary Clinton in back in 2016.
The Attack of the Many-Legged Alien Carrot
San_San found a large weird-looking carrot out in our garden earlier this afternoon. Here’s a picture of the carrot:

Yep, it has, like, five or six legs on that thing. I’ve never seen a good-sized oddly shaped carrot like this before. Anyway, San made us some Cobb salad for dinner after cutting up the carrots into little slices and then putting them on a tray filled other sliced vegetables such as celery, onions, etc.
I gotta say, it was a great garden-related family dinner. 🙂