Here’s A Little Something For The Holiday
Here’s My TF2 Christmas Artwork
The Dean & Ryan Show Episode 6: Christmas Present Surprise
Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you my latest Dean & Ryan comic that involves Christmas and surprises:
You’re merrily welcome.
Tuesday Evening Open Thread
I’ve got nothing good to write about tonight other than I did some shopping at Amazon for Christmas gifts, and now I play the waiting game…
Open Thread.
Final Post of the Year + Some Fun with TF2
This has been a bad year for us because of lots of famous celebrities dying mostly from COVID, our next-door neighbor died from drowning, and even seeing any Karens or Cletuses that are too stupid to take a COVID vaccine shot and wear a face mask. But on the bright side, my friendly family members decided to give me a new mousepad as a belated Christmas gift last night along with a box of small pieces of plywood that form into a delivery truck, and I think I’ll plan on assembling it one of these days whenever I feel like it. Thanks for the Christmas present, my wonderful members of the family! That really cheered me up from those villainous anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers that try to mutilate me. 🙂
And now for my next trick for no reason at all, I will now craft enough pieces of junk into this cool-looking astronaut helmet after playing some more TF2 for tonight as part of my new year’s resolution:
Now that is just what I wanted all along, and TF2 has been aged quite well over the years even with the beautifully cartoonish graphics.
Happy New Year’s Eve to all of you ladies and gentlemen all over the world and let’s hope next year will get better than this.
Christmas Time with the Nicktoons characters
Ladies and gentlemen, I now present you… my SFM pic of the Nicktoons characters celebrating the holly jolly holiday known as Christmas!
Harry Christmas to all and to all a good Nickelodeon. 😛
Christmas Eve Open Thread
Happy Holidays, ladies and gentlemen! I’ve done my Christmas Eve nightmare shift, and now’s my time to enjoy my three-day weekend. Nothing super special; but I’ve been working on a few of my own sprite sheets of certain things from the Game Boy version of Caesars Palace, and I’ve got them all ready to be uploaded in The Spriters Resource. Here’s one of the sprites sheets that I made:

Anyways, I hope everybody’s having a holly jolly holiday! 🙂
Saturday Winter Night Source FilmMaking Time!
I’ve been working on my latest holiday photo project in SFM the other day, and I got everything adjusted accordingly such as lighting, camera angling and positioning. Now it’s ready to be uploaded on Christmas this year. 🙂
Open Thread!
In tonight’s post: Simply Having A Wonderful Morty Time
‘Tis the Season to be Early
I decided to celebrate Christmas this early by making this SFM art project of the Slackers gang celebrating the holiday in a wonderful winter wonderland. In the background there’s Santa Claus enjoying his sandwich along with the Demoman, Heavy and Engineer doing the Kazotsky Kick as part of their Christmas celebration.