Final Post of the Year + Some Fun with TF2

This has been a bad year for us because of lots of famous celebrities dying mostly from COVID, our next-door neighbor died from drowning, and even seeing any Karens or Cletuses that are too stupid to take a COVID vaccine shot and wear a face mask. But on the bright side, my friendly family members decided to give me a new mousepad as a belated Christmas gift last night along with a box of small pieces of plywood that form into a delivery truck, and I think I’ll plan on assembling it one of these days whenever I feel like it. Thanks for the Christmas present, my wonderful members of the family! That really cheered me up from those villainous anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers that try to mutilate me. πŸ™‚

And now for my next trick for no reason at all, I will now craft enough pieces of junk into this cool-looking astronaut helmet after playing some more TF2 for tonight as part of my new year’s resolution:

Now that is just what I wanted all along, and TF2 has been aged quite well over the years even with the beautifully cartoonish graphics.

Happy New Year’s Eve to all of you ladies and gentlemen all over the world and let’s hope next year will get better than this.

Wonderful Wednesday Open Thread

Today was a fairly decent day as usual. I survived yet another day at work earlier this afternoon and I managed to complete my Flamin’ Hot chip trio plus I grabbed some more goodies along the way, then I went to the bank with my father later this evening to deposit my work paychecks (including a bonus paycheck for dealing with COVID-19) after enjoying some turkey salad sandwiches for dinner. Oh, I did get some good compliments today and yesterday from various customers at work that they like my natural blonde hair because they always thought that was beautiful. πŸ™‚

So tomorrow after I get off work I’ll have 2 days off this week plus three more days next week totaling 5 days off which means I can now plan on certain things like trying to beat Pokemon Diamond on my DS Emulator, working on hand drawn artwork, play fun games with my sis Tomala and our friend Yutram, etc.

Monday Afternoon Open Thread

I survived my first of work at local store in town this afternoon. I’ve been doing some online computer training and trying to jump through hoops while answering some questions that confuse the heck out of me in various online quizzes but took me a few tries to get them all figured out. Then once that’s all done I went to go do some disinfecting on the shopping carts with a couple friendly employees who are also disinfecting shopping carts while greeting some people who walked into the store, and by the time I got done doing my work I had some leftover macaroni and cheese in the break room with my mother San_San after letting her know that I’m done working for the day.

So everything worked out quite well today. Oh, and I did get to meet some good employees including the ones that do the shopping cart disinfection to stop germs from making people sick and also stop COVID-19 from killing them. πŸ™‚

Open thread.

Sunday Late Night Video Round-Up

My father showed me a YouTube video last night of an Honest Government Ad that includes Coronavirus (COVID-19), and I thought I’d share this video to all you people:

I find this video honestly hilarious, I also like the part where a female person in the video is saying that medical experts coming up with a term to describe the situation people were facing a Shitshow, ridiculously hilarious. πŸ˜›

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala