Fun With Solitaire4us on Roku TV
I was doing some speedrunning on a Roku card game known as Solitaire4us during an internet outage the other night, and I have managed to beat the game in my new fastest time record:
I remember my previous fastest was 35 seconds from awhile back, and now it has been beaten. Finally. 😉
Sunday Night Pokémon Diamond Fashion Dress Up Roundup
Here’s my latest fashion accessorified Pokémon whose nicknamed after a computer operating system:
Heheh, now it looks like a little glittery shape-like dinosaur. 😛
Have Another Sprite Sheet Of Mine
And now, ladies and gentlemen. I will now show you my sprite sheet of startup screens used in Bookworm for the Game Boy Advance:
Ahhh… nothing like ripping sprite sheets to make myself happy. 🙂
Current Art Mood: Meet The Seeding Dandelion Sorceress
I was really bored so I decided to make a nature-related artwork that involves a friendly little sorceress who loves tall weeds with miniature parachute seeds that form a white softlike bubble:
Yep, I sure love those tall seedy “flowers” too. 😛
Fun With Bookworm For The Game Boy Advance
I found a GBA game that looks similar to Scrabble Blast, and that is Bookworm. It’s a puzzle game where the objective is to link letters and create words to feed the hungry bookworm while trying to keep the fiery red letters from reaching the bottom of your library or else the game is over. Also, you’ll be rewarded with bonus letters if you make long words. Here’s the gameplay of what I’m talking about:
I’m currently at level 15 right now, and I’ve been currently ranked Editor after completing the previous level:
I think this will be a good place to do a checkpoint because I’m heading off to rippify some sprite sheetifications. Goodnight!
I’ve Got Nothing To Say, But Here Are Some More Chuckie Fotoz
Having Fun With Temtem + My New Artwork!
Last night after playing a bit of Temtem, I decided to turn this screenshot from that game into my latest Steam profile artwork:
I think I’ll plan on coming back to this in another time because this is a really awesome Pokémon-esque game. I should probably play this on my Steam Deck someday in the future. 😀
Short Wednesday Night Open Thread
Meh, I’m not quite in a mood to post something tonight ’cause I’m too doggone sleepy…
Open Thread.
TF2 Fashion Cosmetic Roundup
Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you my latest TF2 cosmetics that I’ve purchased from the Steam community market:
Huhuh huhuh! In-game fashion accessories rule. Huh huhuh huh! 😛
Monday Night Sprite Sheet Shenanigans
I was bored so I set out on a quest to submit more sprite sheets of the Game Boy variety to the Spriters Resource. Here’s one that got approved the other day:
I’d say this is an OK game, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea to sip on. Anyway, I’mma head off to do whatever else before I drop off for tonight.