I Can Haz Latest Fashion Accessories
I sold enough junk from my Steam inventory the other day to purchase two all-class cosmetics from the market since I’ve been doing some TF2 lately:
I can’t wait to get more fashion equipment and other stuff when the Steam Halloween Sale begins. 🙂
I created my first art comic
I finally managed to finish up my stoner comic project this evening. This story is about two stoner dudes who went to go the Annual Bongathon in hopes of getting a winning grand prize which a glass smoking bong:
Click here to see this image in full size if you’re having trouble reading the words because the font size was a little too small.
Have a Bright White Beret
I’ve been drawing more artwork lately this evening after enjoying dinner which is hamburgers that Tomala made for the whole family. It was an art picture of a white Bill’s hat based on an all-class cosmetic in TF2:
The reason why I made that is because I was thinking about getting the ‘An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge’ paint tool for my Bill’s hat at the Steam market after purchasing some Steam games from the Halloween Sale if I have enough money to buy the paint tool. I’ve also been working on my comic project yesterday and it’s all been finished up except for the characters’ speech bubbles, but I’ll be planning on doing that the next time I work on it.
All The Leaves Are Down
Papa Smurf and I were out back raking up some fallen leaves this evening and make them into a pile next to the compost pile:
It only took less than a half-hour to get the backyard job done. We didn’t get all the leaves but we were able to get a lot of them. So tomorrow I was thinking about is go out back and rip up more weed and fake grass if I could track them down hard enough.
Time for the First Kitteh Foto of the Month
I went outside with my camera and snapped a nice pic of Stewie napping on top of the Mustang in the garage earlier this afternoon after pulling up some more weeds in the backyard and enjoying some chicken and potato salad for dinner with my family:
I love you too, Stewie cat. 🙂
Last Open Thread of the Month
I have managed to complete my nature-related collection earlier this afternoon after pulling up some unwanted weeds and fake grass out back especially the ones from yesterday that my father mowed down some tall grass with the weed wacker. It was a collection of seeding dandelion puffballs that I carefully stored them all in my small rectangular wooden box without knocking the parachute seeds loose, and so far I counted a total of 24 puffballs. Here’s a picture of what I’m talking about:
So now I’ve got a good batch of white fuzzy puffy bubbles in a box. 😛 Anyways, my family and I enjoyed some delicious hot dogs that my mother cooked up for dinner since we had hamburgers for yesterday’s dinner. My compliments to the chef that hot dogs and hamburgers are both exquisitively delicious as long as they’re homemade. 🙂
After I got done eating dinner I went down in the garage to help my father mount two fittings from under the Mustang while I move to the passenger’s side of it and turn the tubes to the right several times in order to complete the process. Either way, we got all that car work done and out of the way for the night.
Open Thread! Have at it, ppl!
A visit to the Scribblenauts Unmasked workshop
I’ve been checking out the Scribblenauts Unmasked workshop on Steam earlier this evening, and one of my workshop items has made its way to the top of the first page as this week’s most popular items:
I was really happy to see Super Mecha Death Christ reaching 1st place as the most popular workshop item of the week. 🙂
I drew my latest artwork for tonight since there’s nothing major to report on. It was a picture golden cat smoking on a vape pen while skateboarding and the sun with bloodshot eyeballs on the upper right corner is smoking a cigarette:
Some precious photos of the Little Couch Weasel
I snapped a couple good pictures of Morty happily sitting on the couch from last week:
Heheh, I like the way he sticks out his tongue as he enjoys his wonderful afternoon. 😛
In tonight’s post: Dow Jones takes a big dump thanks to Twitler
My family and I had some homemade fried chicken topped with chopped red bell peppers and onions for dinner along with some salad and buttered French bread this evening. It sure is quite enjoyable and delicious. 🙂
And now for the bad news out in the real world, yesterday has been a rough day because the orange-faced Presidential lunatic Metamucilini has crashed the Wall Street stock market which caused the Dow Jones to plunge 600 points after declaring that all the people in China need to get out of there. I found a quote from an article at some website that includes parts of Twitler’s tweet after the stock market crash incident occurred:
Our Country has lost, stupidly, trillions of dollars with China over many years. They have stolen our intellectual property at a rate of hundreds of billions of dollars a year, & they want to continue. I won’t let that happen! We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them. The vast amounts of money made and stolen by China from the United States, year after year, for decades, will and must STOP. I will be responding to China’s tariffs this afternoon. This is a GREAT opportunity for the United States. We will keep it that way!
My god, he really is a worthless piece of orange scum… I just hope he gets impeached and kicked out of the Presidential office for doing all the stupid things he had done since he was elected President against Hillary Clinton in back in 2016.