Have an Upside-Down Sunshine Kitteh

Had my camera deployed earlier in the afternoon and took this nice pic of this little handsome cat resting on my rug in my bedroom while enjoying some sunshine.
My Latest TF2 Gear of the Day
Been selling quite a few pieces of junk off my Steam inventory lately after playing around on random community servers in TF2. I have managed to sell enough crap to purchase some latest gear from the Steam market including two Strange pocket buddies and team-colored Summer Shades after getting rid of my lime green Summer Shades along with the other junk that I don’t need for right now. Here are a couple TF2 screenshots of my two latest Strange pocket buddies:

I can’t wait to get more TF2 gear during the Steam Summer sale this year. 🙂
Enjoy my latest GMod Block Art
I have been making some block art in GMod lately. Here’s what I’ve been working earlier this evening:

It’s an 8-bit flower based on the one from the 1982 Namco arcade game Dig Dug.
Kermit does Hawaii (and 420, too!)
I’ve been making some more artwork lately earlier this evening. This is Kermit the frog holding a bong and a cigarette while getting stoned with a Hawaiian shirt and khakis on:

It would’ve been even better if Kermit was wearing a helmet to go along with the Hawaiian shirt he’s wearing to make Special Kermit. 😛
Meet the Heavy’s Alter Ego
I forgot to put up my latest hand drawn TF2 artwork earlier this evening. It was a muscular Russian strongman known as Strongmann Sammy:

He has team-colored hair, he wears a pair of grey summer shades, and he has anchor tattoos on both his arms. The reason why I made that is because this is based on one of my current Heavy loadouts in TF2.
Morty’s visit to my bedroom
A few day ago I snapped a couple good photos of Morty resting on my computer chair in the first one and on my bed in the second one:

Yep, he likes to come to my bedroom and look for different camping spots that he can rest on. 🙂
My belated birthday package has arrived!

My father Ivan Fookinov and my sister Tomala gave me a belated birthday gift; a Pyle desk mount for my Blue Snowball microphone. She hooked it all up on to my computer desk.
After everything was set up I decided to do some testing on my mic while playing around some random community servers in TF2. I’m very satisfied with my new mic overall. I can use it to chat with my friends on Mumble, and record my own other projects and sounds. 🙂
I have also been recording some video footage of different games like TF2, Borderlands 2, Left 4 Dead 2, etc. Now I just need to plan on a project that provides voice-overs of various characters like the Heavy, Ellis, etc.
Wednesday Night Belated Birthday Dinner Open Thread
My apologies for not posting last couple days ago. Either way, my family and I went over to visit a friendly elderly family relative of ours at their house for dinner this evening.

We were chowing down on some yummy lasagna along with salad that they made, and then we enjoyed some chocolate cake with sprinkles on my belated birthday. Here’s the picture of my belated birthday cake:

I did receive a happy birthday card from them, and the birthday card contained a $25 Visa gift card. Awesome! Now I just need to save my gift card for the Steam Summer Sale this year. 🙂
Once again, my family and I lived for another day as always.
Time for a latest Stewie pic
I had my camera deployed the other day and took this nice pic of Stewie. He was happily resting on a pink blanket on the rocking chair:

Oh, and speaking of Stewie, let me tell you people a story about what he did wrong a few days ago. I was watching television in the living room while my father pitches a cat tent on the couch for Morty after placing his milk cup on the coffee table. Stewie hopped up on the coffee table just to watch my father working on a cat tent when suddenly he knocked my father’s milk cup off the table with his tail while he was skedaddling off there and into the dining room. Now the milk has been splattered on the carpet, so I yelled at him for that and he was like “What? What’s the big idea?”. My father was angry at Stewie for making a mess in the living room, and he just poured his full cup of milk too.
So yeah, that’s how Stewie got in trouble for spilling my father’s milk on the carpet. But that’s okay, he’ll remember not to do the same mistake again.
Have my latest videos of the year
I have uploaded my first two videos of the year for tonight. This first video is my cat Morty playing with a strawberry that he found on the ground:
And this next one is a short video of a squirrel that my family and I found on the road: