Meet the Friendly PokéStoners

I made yet another SFM project that I’ve been working on this evening. Here’s what I’ve been doing so far:

It was a group of my unique Pokémon trainers who like to get stoned as they get to know each other. I added two new trainers named Maria (a female red-haired trainer in pink on the left) and Austin (a male African-American trainer in green on the right) and I’ll plan on making more new Pokémon trainers whenever I feel like doing so.

Kermit does Hawaii (and 420, too!)

I’ve been making some more artwork lately earlier this evening. This is Kermit the frog holding a bong and a cigarette while getting stoned with a Hawaiian shirt and khakis on:

It would’ve been even better if Kermit was wearing a helmet to go along with the Hawaiian shirt he’s wearing to make Special Kermit. 😛

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala