Flaming Hot Summer Afternoon Open Thread
It was a hot, sunny day today. I have been blowing up stuff in TF2 on a random Double Cross server with bots, and I found some more extra junk as item drops and decided to smelt them into tokens. So now I have 1 class token and 4 slot tokens, and I’m thinking about turning three of the slot tokens into reclaimed metal then save the 4th slot token along with my only class token for later.
After I got done playing TF2, I enjoyed my sub sandwiches from a local restaurant for dinner tonight since I already made my work lunch last night. So we’ll see how this goes during my work days.
Late Night TF2 Fun Time
Been playing around some more TF2 lately since a couple days ago was the game’s 13th birthday, and I’ve sold my first Summer 2020 cosmetic case and spent enough money to buy the Speedster’s Spandex for the Scout:
It was colored purple just like my Bonk Boy and my squirrel friend to make myself… Purple Super Scoot and the New Jersey Neck-Humping Squirrel! 😛
Happy Belated Birthday TF2!
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My apologies for not posting a few days ago. I’ve been too busy playing on some community servers in TF2 the other day after surviving four nights of cleaning around the local store with the cleaning robot. I have been getting random items drop lately such as weapons and useless cosmetic cases which require keys to open the cases. I still have yet to make more scrap metal, but I’ll keep on playing TF2 until I find the proper weapon drops so that I destroy them into scrap metal.
Have a Dead Doc
Been playing some more TF2 lately, and I took a screenshot of dead Medic standing up on a wall while I was killing enemies on a 2Fort community server since there’s not a whole lot to blog about today:
The way that Medic looks like he’s really down on his luck after I killed him. 😛
Moar Tee Eff Too
Been playing around on a TF2 community server with some bots the other day. I was on a Double Cross map playing as Soldier on the BLU team with my Specialized Killstreak Rocket Launcher with Night Owl Mk.ii War Paint, and I have managed to get a longest killstreak of 120 without dying:
Plus I’ve also been playing as Heavy, Engineer and Demoman just to guard the team intelligence from the enemies. So far I’ve been doing really good on the classes that I’ve been playing as, and I’ve had a lot of fun destroying bots on the opposing team. 🙂
I Kan Haz Crocodile Hat
Been playing around some Team Fortress 2 lately, and I decided to sacrifice my Darwin’s Danger Shield along with my four refined metal to make a top half of a crocodile head:
I’ve been looking that up on their official Wiki page and in the Trivia section there was a similar hat with the same name appears in the sequel of Dota as a reference to this hat.
I created a thing on Father’s Day
I decided to turn one of my old TF2 screenshots into something special for my dad Ivan_Fookinov:
It was a picture of a Demoman wearing a whiskey bib, grey summer shades and a grey Antarctic Eyewear. The reason why I made that is because Ivan likes to play as Demoman and other classes that he mostly played as which are Soldier, Heavy and Engineer.
I am Painis Cupcake, I will eat you!
I made this GMod background image this afternoon of Painis Cupcake eating everybody on the RED team on top of a garage house:
Boy, he really wants to eat people… including their teammates too. 😛
Happy Memorial Day from the MeeM’s
Have Some Moar GMod Background Art!
I’ve been making some more background artwork in GMod for the last few days. Here’s one of them that I made of my own Source Filmmaker character for my Overlord Tomala’s future videos on YouTube:
It was the Scout from TF2 wearing a dark blue sleeveless shirt, a white Bill’s hat on his head, a pair of grey summer shades, and a Bombonomicon on his shirt.
Anyways, I wonder what I’m gonna dream about tonight since I’ll be heading back to work for the next three days in a row.