I Ran Into A GMod Workshop Download Glitch

I was subscribing new workshop items in Garry’s Mod last week until this happened all of the sudden:

Yep, I’ve never seen that happen before. Luckily the download of this workshop item in the image completed after reaching 200%. 😛

Happy New Year’s Day 2025

Happy New Year to everyone! I just want to start off by uploading two of my new uploaded workshop items of the Scribblenauts variety:

Szayelaporro Granz and Iron Man

So that brings to me a total of 32 Bleach characters in one collection, and a total of 30 robots in another. A good way to start off 2025, and now let’s hope we’ll survive this year.

It’s The Final Glitchin’ Day Of 2024!

I’ve been venturing around Garry’s Mod by myself, and I got some weird stuff I wanted to show you people on this final day of 2024. This first one is a tank with missing textures from some military base map:

This next one is a door going through a bathtub from a different map:

And last but not least, here is a piece of nightmare fuel involving a player model of a Sam Sparks the weather-reporter intern:

Her arms and hands could use a little work. She looks beautiful in-game, though.

Well, there you have it. Now I must get back to more GMod, and I’ll see you all on the next year. Peace out!

Current Art Mood: I Heart Combine Elites

I got bored so I decided to create a thing in Adobe Illustrator. Here’s my new piece of artwork that involves one-eyed Combine soldiers:

Yep, I’m still in love with those handsome soldiers dressed in white armor. 😛

Meet The Street Performing Pole Dancing Heavy

I’ve been making some posters in SFM this evening. Here’s what I made with the help of Krita:

Yep, there’s nothing like seeing a Russian fat man pole dancing in a random city. 😛

A Happy Valentine’s Day Hug From The Combine Elite

I forgot to put this GMod artwork up on my blog last year. It was a Combine Elite who fell in love with me by giving me a nice big hug:

Anyways, I hope everyone else has a happy Valentine’s day.

Current Art Mood: My Combine Fwendz and I

I was going through my latest GMod screenshots folder, and I decided to turn one of them into a beautiful image-traced masterpiece:

And now I’m off to watch some videos via the Media Player under GMod with my beloved Combine brethren. 😛