Thursday Evening Open Thread + A Lil’ Bit of TF2 Fun Time
Today’s weather turned out to be nice than last couple days ago. My sister Tomala made some delicious shrimp pasta for dinner this evening along with cooked vegetables which are diced bell peppers, onions and corn. Unfortunately I didn’t have a picture of it because I was too busy enjoying my food, but it was really good food by the way. π
After I got done eating dinner I decided to have fun by playing TF2, and I have sold enough garbage to purchase some new stuff from the Steam market:

I’ve had such a good time playing around with various people on random online community servers tonight. Enjoy this open thread!
More Fun in the Kitchen
San_San taught me how to make apple pie and lemonade in the kitchen this rainy evening. I was using the peeler to peel the skins off the apples and pears so that I can use the food processor to easily slice them up, and I placed all the sliced apples and pears in a clear large bowl and then add a few ingredients such as nutmeg, cinnamon and a dash of salt.
Next thing I have to do is use a wooden spatula to mix up the ingredients until they’re fully covered in nutmeg and cinnamon, and then we put all the apples and pears in the pie covered the top of it with crispy crust especially around the edges. After the pie was baking in the oven for about 40 minutes we moved on to making lemonade, and while San is squeezing lemons to add lemon juice in a medium-sized glass measuring cup I added some sugar in the water from a small glass measuring cup was warmed up in the microwave for 2 minutes and slowly stirred it with a metal whisk until the sugar water is completely clear.
Then once that’s done we used another medium-sized glass measuring cup to fill up about a half a cup of water because there’s no measurements at the very bottom so we’re gonna have to eyeball it to make sure it was the right amount so that I can pour it all into the lemon juice and then place it in the refrigerator for a sweet, cold lemonade taste.
It’s always fun to be a chef around the house. π
Friday Evening Open Thread: Operation Dinner Assistant
I was assisting San_San in the kitchen on getting ready for dinner. I mashed up the guacamole, stirred up the salsa that San made, and then used the food processor for the first time to shred some cheese with it.
We had some tacos along with some tortilla chips for dinner but unfortunately I do not have a picture of it because I was too busy spending time eating with my family, which is a good family activity to do. π
Open Thread!
Friday Evening Open Thread: Cornbread Edition
San_San was helping me make the cornbread this evening to go along with the chili for dinner. Here’s a picture of the cornbread that I made:

And here’s a picture of the chili that San made:

Anyway, tonight’s dinner was delicious. π Now I’m at the point where I can make cornbread any other time while San is making something for dinner.
First Open Thread of the Month
We had our friendly visitor coming over earlier this gray, rainy day afternoon. San_San made us some delicious meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner along with the salad that our guest made. I have a picture of it right here:
San_San also made some freshly baked apple custard pie for dessert last night. Unfortunately I don’t have a photo of the pie but it was super tasty and it sure was nice seeing our visiting guest. π
Open thread!
San Bakes An Apple Streusel Cake + Maxwell Saves The Day
San_San made a recipe of a freshly baked crispy-crusted apple streusel cake in the kitchen this morning. I had a slice of this after lunch and it’s quite delicious. π Either way, I managed to finish up Scribblenauts Unmasked last night and saved the world against the notoriously evil Brainiac Five:
I’d say this game is amazing as the regular Scribblenauts game. Now I just to need to earn different reputation points to unlock various superhero and/or supervillain costumes and superpowers. π
Thursday Evening Open Thread
edders77 came over to our house for a visit this evening. San_San made us some barbecued chicken, sliced steak, coleslaw and corn for dinner:
It was deliciously good food, and San also made some chocolaty brownies for dessert. Everybody had a great time together and lived for another day. π We were chatting with Edders about Myst, the members who work on the Myst company and how he dipped his hands in the Hydrochloric acid while doing chemistry from awhile back. It was sure nice talking to him tonight. π
Anyway, I sold enough Steam trading cards and bought this nice War Paint and applied it on the regular Minigun:
I also bought an Australium Gold paint from the market and used it on my Dangeresque shades:
Open thread!
Saturday Open Thread
It was a fairly decent day this evening. San_San and I went out apple picking yesterday at our friendly person’s yard from across the street, and San made us some delicious chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. π She also made apple crisp for dessert. Here’s a picture of the apple crisp:
After eating dinner and dessert with my family I decided to play a bit of Poker Night at the Inventory, and I managed to get two TF2 items which are a badge and a gun after winning the Poker Night tournament:
Now I can go play Good Cop/Bad Cop in the TF2 world. π
Open Thread!
Thursday Night Open Thread
It was a decent evening. We went to a Mexican restaurant along with our visitor from Australia, and we chowed down some delicious Mexican food, plus Tomala and I had our cocktails that we ordered. π Then I dug back into some old-school Quake after we got home, plus I took this epic screenshots in-game from awhile back:
So anyway, we lived for another day.
Thanksgiving Dinner in a Cake?!
I’ve been watching this video from Rachael Ray that includes a disgusting Thanksgiving dinner cake since Thanksgiving is almost here:
No, thanks. I’ll just stick to eating the Thanksgiving dinner separately like everyone else.