You Got Half-Life 2 In My Portal

I was playing some Portal since it’s been awhile, and I was left off at test chamber 14. I managed to complete that test chamber and three more, and now I’m at test chamber 18. I even got an achievement for putting my Weighted Companion Cube into the incinerator:
I’ve been doing some other fun stuff like spawning Half-Life 2 NPCs in the game. For example:

I also ninja-grabbed the turrets from behind and give them to their friends in one of the test chambers:
I think I’ll give myself a break from that game because I need to figure out how to knock over a bunch of turrets into the acid pool without being detected by them. Goodnight folks!
Fun With Pixels Of The Coloring Variety
I decided to check out Coloring Pixels, a pixel coloring game with hundreds of fun levels. Each level contains thousands of uncolored pixels and my goal is to paint them. I have completed a total of 25 images (including 1 of them in the Skystead Ranch book) but here are a few of them in screenshots:

And last but certainly not least…

I now have a total 25 achievements unlocked in the game, but I’ll have to wait on getting more of them until I play this fun game. 🙂
I Got The Fists Of The Apocalypse
Guess what I handcrafted while I was practicing more Trolldier in TF2 last night?
All I did was use a scrap metal, a Heavy class token and a melee slot token to fabricate this deadly apocalyptic melee weapon. Cool! Now I can use random crits to brutally dismember people with it like it’s a Mortal Kombat fatality. 😛
Current Gaming Mood: Everything
I came back to playing Everything since it’s been a long time, and I managed to reach over a thousand objects in the game along with a bunch of achievements that I unlocked. Sweet! I also took screenshots of really funny things that I did:

I still have yet to find any objects that are currently undiscovered, but I will look for them the next time I play this game. 🙂
My Steam Replay of 2024
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you to my 2024 Steam Replay:
As a result, I did a little better than my Steam Replay back in 2023. I’ve been mostly playing my old-time favorites like Borderlands 2, TF2 and GMod. Well, I’m heading off to do something else in the meantime. Ta-ta for now!
Have A Good Ol’ Wisher
I’ve got nothing really good to blog about, so I want to show you all a picture of a super tall seeding dandelion that I found from awhile back:
And here’s a closeup of the dandelion’s white fuzzy puffball formed by a good supply of parachute seeds:
I really like those kind of weeds, and I even love the touchy feel of those little fuzzy seedlings. 😛
I Did Another ScribbleBleach Thing
I uploaded another Bleach character into the world of Scribblenauts Unlimited the other day:

So that brings me up to a total of 33 characters in the collection, and I was thinking about making the same kind of characters but they’re wearing hollow masks on their faces but that’ll have to wait in some other time.
The Cute Cat Gang Of Three
I snap’d a picture of the adorable cat trio doing cat stuff down in the laundry room:
I also got some video footage of them having fun fighting amongst themselves the other day, and I hope I’ll get some more footage the next time they start playing around. 😛
Check Out My Earth Elemental Hippopotamus
I’ve been kicking more enemy trainers’ butts in Pokemon Diamond this evening, and here’s a screenshot of my first fashionable Ground-type Pokémon:

Yep, Tremor is my truly beloved earthy hippopotamus. 😛
Happy New Year’s Day 2025
Happy New Year to everyone! I just want to start off by uploading two of my new uploaded workshop items of the Scribblenauts variety:

So that brings to me a total of 32 Bleach characters in one collection, and a total of 30 robots in another. A good way to start off 2025, and now let’s hope we’ll survive this year.