Moar Tee Eff Too

Been playing around on a TF2 community server with some bots the other day. I was on a Double Cross map playing as Soldier on the BLU team with my Specialized Killstreak Rocket Launcher with Night Owl Mk.ii War Paint, and I have managed to get a longest killstreak of 120 without dying:

Plus I’ve also been playing as Heavy, Engineer and Demoman just to guard the team intelligence from the enemies. So far I’ve been doing really good on the classes that I’ve been playing as, and I’ve had a lot of fun destroying bots on the opposing team. ๐Ÿ™‚

I Kan Haz Crocodile Hat

Been playing around some Team Fortress 2 lately, and I decided to sacrifice my Darwin’s Danger Shield along with my four refined metal to make a top half of a crocodile head:

I’ve been looking that up on their official Wiki page and in the Trivia section there was a similar hat with the same name appears in the sequel of Dota as a reference to this hat.

I created a thing on Father’s Day

I decided to turn one of my old TF2 screenshots into something special for my dad Ivan_Fookinov:

It was a picture of a Demoman wearing a whiskey bib, grey summer shades and a grey Antarctic Eyewear. The reason why I made that is because Ivan likes to play as Demoman and other classes that he mostly played as which are Soldier, Heavy and Engineer.

Have Some Moar GMod Background Art!

I’ve been making some more background artwork in GMod for the last few days. Here’s one of them that I made of my own Source Filmmaker character for my Overlord Tomala’s future videos on YouTube:

It was the Scout from TF2 wearing a dark blue sleeveless shirt, a white Bill’s hat on his head, a pair of grey summer shades, and a Bombonomicon on his shirt.

Anyways, I wonder what I’m gonna dream about tonight since I’ll be heading back to work for the next three days in a row.

Have my latest hand drawn pic

I decided to take a break from GMod building block art this evening and move on to making some hand drawn artwork. I made a picture of an old California farmer named Yosemite Abe:

He got tired of living in California so he decided to move to Texas. The reason why I drew that is because this is based one of my current Engineer loadouts in TF2.

Meet the Hand Drawn Heavy-Medic Combo

I forgot to put up my new artwork this evening because I was enjoying some store-brand pizza for dinner with my family. Either way, here’s what I’ve been working on lately:

It was a hand drawn picture of Officer Russell, an unconventional Russian police officer, and Nurse Janice, a female doctor who falls in love with Russell.

The reason why I put them up is because they’re based on my current Heavy and Medic loadouts in TF2.

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala