Tetris with a twist of Sanic

I recently found a Sonic 3 mod called Sonic Tetris, a game where you can pick one of three games like the original Marathon, the one where you’ll have to clear all 40 Lines, and the first Sonic the Hedgehog with bonus Tetris levels.

I’d say this mod is 100% fun. 😀 Click here to check it out and subscribe it if you want to give this a try. All credit goes to Crash for making the mod.

Having fun in Stinking With Slime Machine

Yesterday I played a Portal 2 mod called Thinking With Time-Machine, where you’ll find and use a Time Machine to record what you’re doing by hitting the R key, Q to stop recording, and F to create a twin of yourself that can help you solve various test chambers along the way:

Oh, and here’s a couple of pictures that are quite epic:

I think the captain on the ship fell asleep. 😛

I want one of those old records. 😛

I’d say this is a great mod for me, but I think I’ll get back into this some more whenever I feel like playing it. 🙂

If you want to get this free game on Steam, then feel free to check it out by clicking on this link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/286080/Thinking_with_Time_Machine/

The Fart Where He Smells You

I decided to dig into some Portal 2 yesterday, and I have now reached Chapter 9, “The Part Where He Kills You”:

I even got an achievement for this too. 🙂 This is the part where Wheatley tries to kill the player by using death traps like defective turrets, spike crushers and spinning sawblades. But I think I’ll take a break until I feel like playing this game again. 😉

Metro 2033 Friday Night Fun Fest

I dug back into some more Metro 2033 tonight, and so far I have successfully ninja’d my way past the enemy bandits to find Bourbon, who had been shot and killed by a bandit:

R. I. P. Bourbon 🙁

Here Khan guides me to the subway station where we encounter ghostly silhouettes which can kill you in seconds if you get too close to them. We also shot down more nosalises on the way while looking for guns and ammunition scattered in hidden areas:

The Ghost Train

On another note I did get an achievement for completing levels ‘Ghosts’ and ‘Anomaly’ without dying. By the way, I had fun playing stealth ninja and nosalis hunter. 🙂

The Wang has risen!

Tomala let me know that Shadow Warrior was free on Humble Bundle, so I went and grabbed a copy:

Wassup fuckers? Prepare to be annihilated!

You play as Lo Wang, a legendary warrior who can kill enemies with his sword or guns, if he has ammunition. He can do other things like dash in any direction just by pressing the Shift key then pressing the usual W, S, A or D. If you hold the Shift key and press W, Wang will start to sprint until his stamina drops. I also like how you can slice and dice dead enemies into bits and pieces:

Another cool thing is when you press R while you’re equipped with the Penetrator [great name], it sputters like fireworks:


There are some special things in this game like Dark Crystals which give me Ki, an energy that allows me to learn or upgrade demonic powers. Other special things in this game are spirits from fallen creatures which give you health, karma to learn and upgrade my skills, and demon hearts that kills all demons from six meters away from me, which is demonically awesome. 😀 I made my way to Chapter 2 which is The Party Bus after killing dozens of enemy humans and demons in the first one, and then I took some screenshots of arcade machines plus the original classic Shadow Warrior arcade machine in the Prologue:

Not a bad game… I don’t think I’ll have to be too bored to play this again. 🙂

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala