Welcome to the Metro (again)

I played some Metro 2033 Redux last night, and it looks quite similar to the original. What I like about this game is it has various features throughout the game like notes that are scattered around in different areas, keys and safes, weapon customizing, and it even has a feature that I can wipe blood off my gas mask. Now that is bloody good! 🙂 The graphics in this game look so nice just like in the original. Some weapons have different firing sounds like the automatic shotgun and the AK-47, and Artyom’s voice sounded completely different compared to the original.

I was hoping for Metro Exodus to become available soon so I can add it to my Steam library.

The Wang has returned (again)

My most favorite fortune cookie quote of all. 😛

Been playing around some Shadow Warrior lately, and I managed to complete the seventh chapter and moved on to the eighth one where I’m trying to solve the rail car puzzle by pulling any one of the three levers inside the train station:

Now I just to need to keep pulling the three levers and hopefully the rail cars are in their spots so that I can kick some demon butt. 😀

Some Overnight Fun with Carmageddon Max Damage

I was playing some Carmageddon Max Damage last night, just to hunt down some Peds and decimate my opponent cars before they decimate me. 🙂 I even managed to take some epic screenshots while blowing up stuff in the game:

Fire fire!! Heheheh heheh!!


I think he just backed into a wall and killed himself. 😛

I pooped out a land mine and blew Madam Scarlett up. 😛

Yep, I had some fun but gosh that was brutally intense.

Having some fun with Interplay Solitaire

I bought a Steam game called Interplay Solitaire plus a couple more because the Halloween Sale was going on. Here’s what the game looks like:

This is a very fun game just like Solitaire Royale. I like how it’s got various card games like Klondike, Poker Solitaire, Pyramid, etc. 🙂 What I also like about this are the background pictures and some cardbacks because they look so cool.

Here’s the link to the game if you want to come check it out: http://store.steampowered.com/app/630690/Interplay_Solitaire/


I finally managed to defeat the giant evil minotaur known as Gozu in the sixth chapter of Shadow Warrior since it’s been awhile, and I got an achievement for that too:

So now I’m on Chapter 7, ‘You Should See The Other Guy’, and I found a shotgun on the emergency exit doors along the way:

I think I’ll continue my Wang-tastic adventure whenever I feel like playing this game. 🙂

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala