The Dean & Ryan Show Episode 8: Secret Thanksgiving Special

It’s been awhile since I’ve been doing my Dean & Ryan Show comics. Anyways, here’s the special Thanksgiving episode of my comic series:

I hope you ladies and gentlemen are celebrating a happy Thanksgiving, too. 🙂

Let’s Talk About Monopoly Casino Vegas Edition

I just remembered something from awhile back in the Windows XP era. I was playing an old-school gambling simulation game called Monopoly Casino Vegas Edition.

I got this game as part of my Monopoly Platinum Collection for Christmas back when I was a kid. In this game, you get to choose which casino game you’d like to play while choosing the minimum and maximum betting increments. Here are some screenshots of games that are my favorites:

Pai Gow Poker
Money Wheel

There’s also Keno, Bingo, video poker and slot machines in this game. Anyways, I really missed playing this fun game so much. 🙁

Meet The Almighty Man Butterfly

I decided to play dress up on one of my Bug-type Pokémon after adding some new ones to my Pokédex in Pokémon Diamond:

Sirus the Beautifly, nicknamed after the rabbit-esque moon person from Dark Chronicle.

Sirus has always been my beautifully elegant man butterfly who can handle any weak Pokémon whose either Psychic or Fighting by using his Bug and Flying powers. 🙂

The Cute Catventures Of Billy And Mandy

Last night my family and I were taking cute kitten photos of Billy and Mandy having fun on the new cat tree. Here’s two of them that I took for one of each kitten:

Here’s Billy being Billy.
And here’s Mandy relaxing while being playful.

Yep, they sure make a great kitty cat duo. 😛

I Found Something Shockingly Explosive

I apologize for not posting for the last couple days, but guess what I found while I was gearing up a bit in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel?

A Torgue shock MIRV grenade! Hooray for me!!

Now THIS will be a perfect grenade mod for me, and I’m highly satisfied about it. 🙂

I Added A Pokémon In Scribblenauts

I’ve been playing a bit of Pokémon Diamond lately, so I put together this Magnemite in Scribblenauts Unlimited:

It’s a robotic Electric/Steel-type Pokémon who likes to follow scientists and anything electric. However, it can’t shoot bolts of lightning or sound waves but it can generate electricity. Now that’s shocking!

And The Award Goes To… ME!

Last month I put up this Borderlands 2 screenshot up on Steam, and I got an award for it today while I was going through my e-mail messages:

Hooray! That’s 200 Steam points added to my account which will be available in two weeks. This is one of the best days of my life! 😀