I’ve Got Nothing To Say, But Here Are Some More Chuckie Fotoz
Having Fun With Temtem + My New Artwork!
Last night after playing a bit of Temtem, I decided to turn this screenshot from that game into my latest Steam profile artwork:
I think I’ll plan on coming back to this in another time because this is a really awesome Pokémon-esque game. I should probably play this on my Steam Deck someday in the future. 😀
Short Wednesday Night Open Thread
Meh, I’m not quite in a mood to post something tonight ’cause I’m too doggone sleepy…
Open Thread.
TF2 Fashion Cosmetic Roundup
Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you my latest TF2 cosmetics that I’ve purchased from the Steam community market:
Huhuh huhuh! In-game fashion accessories rule. Huh huhuh huh! 😛
Monday Night Sprite Sheet Shenanigans
I was bored so I set out on a quest to submit more sprite sheets of the Game Boy variety to the Spriters Resource. Here’s one that got approved the other day:

I’d say this is an OK game, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea to sip on. Anyway, I’mma head off to do whatever else before I drop off for tonight.
My First Cat Blogging Post Of The New Year
I went outside earlier this afternoon with my camera and shot a nice cat photo of Stewie sitting on top of the cinder blocks:
Yep, he’s still cute and handsome alright. 😛
Poisoned With Fashion In Pokémon Diamond
Ladies and gentlemen, I will now show you my fashion accessorized Poison-type Pokémon friends in Pokémon Diamond:

Yep, I sure love those beautifully sludgy critters of mine. 😛
First Open Thread Of The New Year
Mehhh… I’ve got nothing to blog about tonight because I’m too darn sleepy to do so. However, I do have something incredibly awesome to blog about tomorrow.
Goodnight and Open Thread.