Welcome to the Luxurious Cruise of BATMAAAAN!!!
Guess what I’ve been working on for my next project in SFM?
This is a picture of my versions of Victor and Gloria, the two main characters from Pokémon Sword and Shield, decided to go spend some quality time out on a wonderful cruise together until Batman showed up and started doing crazy things which surprised the ever-loving heck out of Victor and Gloria. 😛 I will be planning on uploading this on Steam tomorrow after I showed this to my sis Tomala to make sure everything’s in order such as the lighting, camera angles, character’s movements, etc.
Kickin’ @$$ and Takin’ Names in TF2

Decided to take a break on some SFM for right now and played on some random community servers in TF2 since it’s been awhile, and so far I’ve found quite a few drops and unlocked a couple achievements so far, and there were some people playing on the server that I’ve been playing on like the one person who plays as a Heavy with the Brass Beast, another one playing as a Soldier with a Quake rocket launcher and a Panic Attack shotgun, and also a Scout wearing a Mint-colored Bill’s hat with the same paint color as his other cosmetics that I couldn’t remember their names of them. We all had lots of fun playing the game to win. 🙂
As again, I will be planning doing some SFM either before I go to work tomorrow or by the time my next round of weekend begins.
Extreme Statue Makeover: Party Church Edition
Been doing some SFM lately this evening after playing around some GMod. I decided to give this statue makeover to make it much more fancy like never before, and it’ll be a perfect statue for a party church as part of my sis Tomala’s SFM video project.
So now I’ll plan on doing some gaming before I head off to work, and then head off to Dreamsville once all my work for tonight is done.
Time for yet another round of SFM
Been finishing up my latest project in SFM, and here’s a screenshot of what I’ve been working on:
This is called The Cool Staredown, it’s kind of like a victory move where the good guys defeat their enemies just by staring them down. I’ll plan on doing some more SFM as soon as my next round of weekend begins.
Out with the Old, In with the New
I was going through some old GMod screenshots, and I decided to turn one of them into my latest SFM project for tonight:
I was best friends with a cardboard doctor as the birds flutter around the sky, and the Heavy is Conga riding on a flying cardboard Heavy. Unfortunately I could not find the Queen Elsa and Princess Anna models in the workshop, but I did get those models from my sis Tomala the other day. So I had no choice but to put in the Scout as my main character in the project.
In tonight’s post: SFM Project Roundup
I’ve been making yet another SFM project lately since I’ve got nothing else to report on. Here are a couple of things that I’ve been working on:
This project is called “The Combine Family in Japan”, where the Combine soldiers go on a trip to Japan. It would’ve been even funnier if I could just Photoshop a picture of Japan in real life by placing some different poses of Combine soldiers doing certain things on to the picture. I’ll be planning on doing some more SFM projects whenever I feel like doing so. 😛
EDIT: I updated this SFM project of mine because it was unfinished due to the Combine characters acting too stiff and no birds were flying in the background.
Current Mood: Dirty Dancing
Been toying around some SFM lately, and I guess what my next project for today is?
This one is called Dirty Dancing, where the Demoman wearing a Bill’s Hat and a Croft’s Crest badge doing a crazy dance with Mr. Happy showing up while holding the Scottish Resistance on his right hand. The reason why is because my father Ivan_Fookinov and sister Overlord Tomala came with that idea for my next project. I even updated my SFM poster from my Scout main to the Demoman doing a funny dance. 😛
Some fun with SFM
My sis Tomala has been helping me do certain features and things in Source Filmmaker. I can add new models, lights and other things in the map to make a poster and even publish the artwork of your work on Steam. I can also do face-posing and animations on some characters, resizing their body parts, etc.
Now I can simply enjoy adding sorts of characters and do crazy things to them like making their heads big and even shrink down their hands like what Tomala did to Donald Trump player model. 😛
Moar Mynecwaft Skin Testing in GMod
Made a few more Minecraft skins lately so that I can test them out for the Alex and Steve player models in GMod, and they seem to be working just by putting the proper Minecraft skin URL but I still couldn’t get the one Minecraft skin that looks like the one made by Yutram to work because every time I try that skin it throws an error in the chat log saying it failed to fetch the skin which the URL for it is invalid even though it’s a fully valid URL and then my Minecraft player model became invisible like a chameleon afterwards. 😛 Either way, here’s my piece of artwork of what I’ve been doing:
This is me in the middle spot along with my friends from left to right are Bluanna, Big Ash, Roxanne and Agatha. I also made a pixel art of a tree that I’ve uploaded on Steam, but unfortunately I don’t have a screenshot of my latest pixel art but if anyone would like to check it out along with the rest of my pixel art in the collection then feel free to do so.
EDIT: I have decided to completely stop making Minecraft skins because it turns out that I don’t own Minecraft on my system. End of story.
Latest TF2 Hat Drop of the Day
Been playing around some TF2 lately, and guess what I got as a random item drop?
This Medic cosmetic consists of dark brown wavy hair with a large beige headband and a small team-colored headband that was worn around it. Now I just need to figure out what paint tool I should use for it. Probably gonna paint it Aged Moustache Grey if my PayPal account is all set up so that I can purchase the paint tool in the Steam market.