Christmas Time has arrived!

We had a friendly elderly guest of ours coming over to our house this evening for a visit, and we were chowing down some delicious Christmas dinner which is Tri Tip roast beef with baked potatoes, salad, dinner rolls, corn and artichoke casserole:

After we’re all done eating dinner we decided to celebrate the holiday by drinking a good round of B-52 Bomber cocktails, and then our guest sent us some presents that contain candy and gift cards. Not only did I get the Christmas candy and a $25 VISA gift card, I also got a brand new handheld flashlight. 🙂

And now for no weird reason here’s a TF2 screenshot that I took and made it out of something for the holiday:

Merry Christmas Eve and Enjoy This Holly Jolly Comic Project

This is it, my Slacker friends. I have managed to finish my holiday comic project, and now I will show it to all you Slackers:

Click on the link here to see this in full size if you people are having trouble with seeing the words in the speech bubbles.

Early Thanksgiving Open Thread

We had our friendly elderly visitor coming over to our house earlier this evening and enjoyed some delicious Thanksgiving dinner which is turkey with cranberries, mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, candied yams and artichokes. Here’s the screenshot of the Thanksgiving dinner while spending time with the whole family:

This was good food on a happy early Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to watch this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade tomorrow if there is a live stream for it available on YouTube. 🙂

Short Wednesday Evening Open Thread

We went to go see the belated holiday light show festival this evening, and we got some video footage of some things like the fire-breathing Christmas Lochness Monster, Golfing Santa, gingerbread men playing volleyball and all the others until the rain started falling down. So that’s our cue to leave the light show, but at least we had a good time over there. 🙂

After we got back home from the light show we had delicious cheeseburgers and fries that San_San and Papa Smurf picked up at a restaurant for dinner. Once again, we all lived for another day.

Open Thread, ladies and gentlemen.