Happy New Year’s Day 2025

Happy New Year to everyone! I just want to start off by uploading two of my new uploaded workshop items of the Scribblenauts variety:

Szayelaporro Granz and Iron Man

So that brings to me a total of 32 Bleach characters in one collection, and a total of 30 robots in another. A good way to start off 2025, and now let’s hope we’ll survive this year.

A Happy Valentine’s Day Hug From The Combine Elite

I forgot to put this GMod artwork up on my blog last year. It was a Combine Elite who fell in love with me by giving me a nice big hug:

Anyways, I hope everyone else has a happy Valentine’s day.

Have another piece of SFM artwork

Last night I was toying around in SFM and made my latest art piece:

The whole story behind this picture is a Pokémon trainer is being reunited with a group of friendly high contrast white Combine soldiers who are so happy to meet him as they’re giving him hugs and red jewels that are shaped like hearts. 🙂