I am the night. I am… Axeman!!!

It’s been awhile since I posted a hand drawn picture. Here’s what I’ve been drawing lately:

This is a picture of Officer Murdurr. He is a former police officer who wears a red shirt with a grey bullet-proof vest, he also wears a pair of crimson summer shades and hair with the same color as his shades, and has a fire axe as his melee weapon that he can use to murder his enemies. He is claimed to be my new TF2 alter ego who somehow stole some clothing for the Demoman and Heavy, and also a fire axe originally for the Pyro. πŸ˜›


I forgot to put my latest GMod background photo the other day because I was too busy making a fresh batch of header images. It was a picture of Sheckley and Griggs from HL2:EP2 sitting on a dark green couch getting baked and taking turns eating potato chips from a Lay’s potato chip bag next to them:

They decided to take a break from fighting dozens of Antlions under the tunnel and celebrate 420 inside a random apartment. πŸ˜›

Have Some Moar GMod Background Art!

I’ve been making some more background artwork in GMod for the last few days. Here’s one of them that I made of my own Source Filmmaker character for my Overlord Tomala’s future videos on YouTube:

It was the Scout from TF2 wearing a dark blue sleeveless shirt, a white Bill’s hat on his head, a pair of grey summer shades, and a Bombonomicon on his shirt.

Anyways, I wonder what I’m gonna dream about tonight since I’ll be heading back to work for the next three days in a row.

Battle of the GMod Background Art Fotoz

I decided to create my own GMod background artwork this afternoon since their main menu background contest has begun a little before 8 o’ clock in the morning. Here’s what I’ve been working on lately:

It was me and my friends Tomala, Yutram and Lil’ Queef all dressed in our own costumes on a Combine vehicle while Ronald McDonald pops out from the pits of hell. More GMod artwork will be on the way if I’ve got enough time for the night, and tomorrow I’ll be working on drawing some artwork that includes Mother’s Day which lands on the 10th of May. πŸ™‚

The Full Metal Mexican vs. The Evil Watermelon Monster

Made my latest artwork that’s dedicated to Tomala this evening. It was Raiden (not the Thunder God from Mortal Kombat) dressed as the Full Metal Mexican battling against a gruesome watermelon monster:

At the end of the fight the Full Metal Mexican managed to defeat the watermelon monster by slicing it in half with his sword. πŸ˜›

Even More Minecraft-ish Pixel Art Shenanigans

I’ve been uploading some more GMod block art on Steam lately. Here’s a screenshot of what I’ve making for tonight:

I made an 8-bit portrait of Mona Lisa and a red diamond which is used as one of the four card suits. I’ll plan on creating and uploading more pixel art by the time I got done taking a shower after getting off work at 4 o’ clock in the afternoon.

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala