I drew something for my fwendz Tomala and Yutram

I decided to draw my latest picture for tonight after playing around on some community servers in TF2. It was a picture of Batman as a derpy princess superhero:

I also uploaded this picture through Steam if anybody wants to go check it out from there.

Workin’ in the Garage (again)

I’ve been helping out my Dad in the garage lately. We were rearranging stuff around to make new piles of stuff to maximize free space for our lawn mower that was last used back at our old house nearly twelve years ago, then after Dad used bug spray to kill ants we moved our blue and purple containers next to our old rocking chair.

Either way, I’m glad that’s out of the way. It sure was nice to help out another person to get the job done, especially if another person is my Dad. 🙂

Yet Another Evening Open Thread

Instead of continuing my comic that I made on a piece of paper a few month ago, I decided to create a new one using the Paint program and my mouse because my tablet wasn’t working for some reason, but it’ll be fixed eventually. So far I’ve got about one third of the project done, and I apologize for not putting one up from a couple years back. Oh, and I also apologize for not posting last couple days ago because I was too busy getting my work done like getting the last of the bark and pinecones in two separate buckets out of our backyard so that we can put down grass seed if the wind’s not too breezy.

Either way, once I fill in all the columns of what I’ve been thinking about on my comic project then I’ll come up with some good sentences of what people say from their call-outs.

But for now, I put together my old Borderlands 2 video footage and some nice text to create this ‘Please Wait’ screen picture that I made for Tomala on her latest live stream of that game:

Wednesday Evening Open Thread: Steam Summer Sale Edition

I’ve got nothing good to report on other than the Summer Sale is going on right now on Steam. My Dad and I should be able to get enough empty soda pop cans so that either tomorrow or the next day after we can deposit them and receive the money so that I can use that to buy some Steam games that fit me like a glove. 🙂

Open Thread, my friendly Slackers! Feel free to post comments on what Steam games you’d like to get while they’re still on sale.

Monday Evening Open Thread: Backyard Work Edition

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I’ve been too busy having a good time playing some community servers in TF2. Either way, today’s weather was really nice this evening. I decided to continue my yard work mission in our backyard with a red-handled screwdriver from our tool shed in the garage, and I used it to pull up a lot of unwanted weeds scattered in different locations from yesterday and today. Then I placed all the weeds into the compost pile used for gardening afterwards.

It sure was fun trying to pulling up weeds off the ground, especially crabgrass because those are really hard to get. Oh, and speaking of weeds, here’s a picture of another seeding dandelion that I found in our backyard next to the chain-like fence between our backyard and our neighbors’:

This seeding dandelion I found is two feet tall, and it has a lot of tiny parachute seeds that form a white good-sized puffball just like the previous one that I found almost three weeks ago:

Yep, I sure love those kind of weed flowers so much. 🙂