Sunday House Cleaning Open Thread

My family and I were doing some extreme house cleaning this evening because we wanted our house to be really tidy so that the inside of our house doesn’t look too messy when we get back from our road trip. I’ve been cleaning up the kitchen floor, plus I brushed the carpets in the upstairs hallway and my bedroom.

I think I’ll focus on brushing the carpets in our living room tomorrow so that Papa Smurf can hit them with the vacuum. So right now I still got laundry that needed to be caught up once I’ve done all my fun stuff. Oh, and speaking of laundry, I should consider washing my bedding tomorrow because I don’t want dirty smelly bedding before I leave on our road trip with my family.

DIY Nature Experimenting Open Thread

Yesterday I’ve been working on a DIY nature experiment lately:

What I did there is I used an empty cocoa powder container, fill it up with some water and then carefully add some seeding dandelions one at a time without knocking any parachute seeds off the puffballs so that the dandelions will be quenched with water in order to last a little longer like all other flowers. 🙂

Oh, and speaking of nature, I was out back pulling up a few more weeds and picked up a lot of fallen leaves off the ground just to tidy up our backyard a bit. Then after I got all that done my family and I enjoyed some exquisite submarine sandwiches that we ordered from a Subway restaurant. At least the food from Subway is far better than the food from McDonald’s.

Open thread, ladies and gents!

I Can Haz Latest Fashion Accessories

I sold enough junk from my Steam inventory the other day to purchase two all-class cosmetics from the market since I’ve been doing some TF2 lately:

I decided to get rid of my blonde Brutal Bouffant for this team-colored one.
This will be my 2nd painted pair of Summer Shades.

I can’t wait to get more fashion equipment and other stuff when the Steam Halloween Sale begins. 🙂

I created my first art comic

I finally managed to finish up my stoner comic project this evening. This story is about two stoner dudes who went to go the Annual Bongathon in hopes of getting a winning grand prize which a glass smoking bong:

Click here to see this image in full size if you’re having trouble reading the words because the font size was a little too small.

Have a Bright White Beret

I’ve been drawing more artwork lately this evening after enjoying dinner which is hamburgers that Tomala made for the whole family. It was an art picture of a white Bill’s hat based on an all-class cosmetic in TF2:

Credit goes to Valve and TF2 for coming up with this hat from a long time ago.

The reason why I made that is because I was thinking about getting the ‘An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge’ paint tool for my Bill’s hat at the Steam market after purchasing some Steam games from the Halloween Sale if I have enough money to buy the paint tool. I’ve also been working on my comic project yesterday and it’s all been finished up except for the characters’ speech bubbles, but I’ll be planning on doing that the next time I work on it.