I’m A Legendary Lunar Lunatic

I came back to playing more Pokémon Diamond, and I was set out on a mission to search for the Lunar Wing in Fullmoon Island after encountering this legendary female-only Psychic-type Pokémon:

Then I headed over to Route 221, and then it appeared all of the sudden. So I paralyzed it with a thunderbolt attack from one of my Electrode, then I switched out to my Dark-type Pokémon and then lowered its HP without killing it. Now I’m determined to catch that Cresselia while being paralyzed with really low HP, and after tons and tons of constantly failing to catching it I finally succeeded! I’m really glad I could use save states, and I decided to nickname my Cresselia after the final boss of Mortal Kombat 11 known as Kronika.

I was gonna catch myself a Darkrai located in Newmoon Island next, except I can’t because I don’t have a Member Card which is an event-exclusive Key Item and I’m 15 years late from that event. Oh well, I guess one legendary lunar Pokémon is better than nothing.


I got back to playing more Pokémon Diamond this evening, and here’s a screenshot of my latest fashionable Pokémon:

Autobot the Ditto floating in outer space with two magic spoons and some flowers

It’s also nicknamed after my Ditto from Pokémon FireRed but unfortunately I don’t have a screenshot of it from that game. I also think that Autobot is also a good nickname for a Geodude and a Voltorb because they can both learn Rollout. But yeah, Autobot is my wonderful blob-like transformation critter. 🙂

Zombie Jesus Comes Back To Scribblenauts

Guess who I resurrected back from the dead in both Scribblenauts Unlimited and Unmasked?

Zombie Jesus!

Yep, I decided to bring him back to life again since he was missing and/or corrupted due to a clean install on my PC from awhile back. Anyway, feel free to check him out in the Unlimited and Unmasked workshops on Steam.

Feeling Poisonous With Fashion Again

After defeating the same enemy trainers yet again in Pokémon Diamond this evening, I decided to give two of my female Poison-type Pokémon but this time they’ve been evolved:

Emphysema the Weezing
Sareena the Muk

That’s right, my friends Emphysema and Sareena are beautifully fashionable while they’re poisonous. 😛

Current Gaming Mood: Quake II For The Nintendo 64

I decided to check out the original Nintendo 64 version of Quake II, and here’s a picture of what the gameplay looks like:

I start off in the Strogg Outpost where I encountered and killed a bunch of light guards and one shotgun guard while discovering secrets in that level on Medium difficulty.

How do I look with my yellow armor on?

What I do like about this version of Quake II is every time you complete a level it shows you the stats of time, kills and secrets along with the given password:

Anyways, first level is finished and I’m going to the next level which is the Central Complex. But that’ll have to wait because I still need to reconfigure the funky controls the next time I come back to playing this game.