Some funny TF2 pics
I forgot to put up a couple hilariously epic TF2 screenshots yesterday. The first one was a picture of a dead Pyro sitting up while his legs are spreading out:

And the next one is a Spy doing a really crazy death pose:

Yep, I just thought both of them are quite funny. 😛
Time for some adorable Morty fotoz
I deployed my camera and snapped a couple nice pictures of the little guy earlier this afternoon:

Yep, Morty sure is one handsome cougar weasel kitteh. 😛
And The Steam Grand Prix Winner Is…
The racing team that I chose, which is Team Corgi, has managed to get 1st place in the Steam Grand Prix Summer Sale with Team Tortoise in 2nd and Team Hare in 3rd:

I was absolutely amazed to see this. 🙂 After the event was over I decided to redeem most of my tokens that I’ve earned at the event for multiple level-ups from my Steam Grand Prix Badge that I received the other day. So now my badge is at level 40. Go Team Corgi! 😀
I drew something for my fwendz Tomala and Yutram
I decided to draw my latest picture for tonight after playing around on some community servers in TF2. It was a picture of Batman as a derpy princess superhero:

I also uploaded this picture through Steam if anybody wants to go check it out from there.
Happy Independence Day from The Soldier

Workin’ in the Garage (again)
I’ve been helping out my Dad in the garage lately. We were rearranging stuff around to make new piles of stuff to maximize free space for our lawn mower that was last used back at our old house nearly twelve years ago, then after Dad used bug spray to kill ants we moved our blue and purple containers next to our old rocking chair.
Either way, I’m glad that’s out of the way. It sure was nice to help out another person to get the job done, especially if another person is my Dad. 🙂
Have a Broken Upside Down Weasel Kitteh
I took this photo of Morty with my other camera from awhile back. He was laying on the carpet while he’s broken and upside down at the same time:

That is one adorably hilarious pose right there. 😛