Custom Sibling Roundup in Scribblenauts Unmasked

I’ve been playing some more Scribblenauts Unmasked this evening, and here are a couple screenshots of my new custom player models:


Those two custom siblings are sort of based on my current Scout loadout in TF2:

Anyways, I’m off to continue my journey to decimate more super villains and save the Earth again. 😛

I Got New TF2 Cosmetics From Der Community Market

Hooray! I have sold just enough junk to purchase two TF2 cosmetics and a paint tool from the Steam community market:

I immediately used it on my Optic Nerve because it could use a new paint job.

I even got a crate as a random item drop in which I immediately filed it under T for Trash, and now I’m off to the TF2 community servers to annihilate the enemy gamers.

Smoke On The Water, Fire Filled The Sky

I’ve been playing around some more TF2 recently after selling a few pieces of junk from the Steam market including my unpainted disco ball eyes to purchase the ones with purple paint:

The reason why is because I wanted to complete my Pyro loadout with three cosmetics that are painted purple.

My Robot Chicken hat would also go along with that loadout very nicely.

Yep, I have now become the Deep Purple Pyro. 🙂