Meet The Street Performing Pole Dancing Heavy
I’ve been making some posters in SFM this evening. Here’s what I made with the help of Krita:
Yep, there’s nothing like seeing a Russian fat man pole dancing in a random city. 😛
A Street Sign Named Desire
I’ve been making another piece of artwork in Adobe Illustrator this evening. Here’s a pic of my Dawn falling in love with a street sign during her trip to Olympic City:
It’s beautiful to love a street sign in a video game-style city. 😛
Latest SFM Artwork Project of the Day
Been doing some more SFM lately, and I made this artwork project of my unique Pokemon Trainer characters hugging street signs during their tour around the city while there’s other characters around like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Mewtwo riding its anti-gravity flaming steak, and most importantly… Godzilla going on a city rampage but nobody gives a damn about it. 😛
More SFM artwork projects will be published shortly. So stay tuned!
Meet the Happy Lovely Street Signs
Been doing a little bit of making some art with Photoshop lately. Here’s what I’ve been doing:
It was a picture of four happy and lovely street signs who get to know each other and became friends of love in the daytime city streets. They sure look lovable and even they’re smiles are made of hearts. 🙂
I already gave credit to a Spriters Resource submitter by the name of Dazz for the City Street background sprite from the 2010 PC game Cherry Tree High Comedy Club.
Alxala Goes Underground
I’ve been testing out Need For Speed Underground under Windows 10 the other day, and so far the program and gameplay both seem to be behaving properly. The graphics and textures in this racing game are really nice, and what I like about this are the background sound effects, billboards and street signs. Here are a couple pictures of street signs in NFSU that are my most favorite:

The reason why I like the street signs is because they are much taller than the ones in Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2. 🙂 I’d say this is still a good old-school racing game to me, but I think Hot Pursuit 2 is way better than this. Oh, and what I also like about NFSU is you can move the cursor around during a race, which I find that very interesting.
Feelin’ The Need For Speed
I decided to take a break from Bawderlands Dos and play around some Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2, a racing game where you have to race against opponent racers while trying to get away from the chasing cop cars as you complete through different races like Single Race, Lap Knockout, etc.
So far this old-school racing game seems to be running fine on my computer just like Need For Speed Underground, and I have managed to win two gold medals right off the bat in the Championship race branch and completed a few races in Single Challenge mode, which that part is what like about in this game. 🙂
And now for no strange reason here’s a screenshot of my most favorite street sign in Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2:

The reason why is because I like the artwork, the background color and all the words on the sign in two font types which are Brush Script MT and Times New Roman. Oh, and another reason why is because I love lighthouses. 🙂
Have a Beautiful Lollipop-Licking Lady
Here’s a screenshot from GTA IV of my most favorite loading screen picture of a woman licking a red lollipop:
She’s so cute when she licking her lolly. 😛