Alxala Goes Underground

I’ve been testing out Need For Speed Underground under Windows 10 the other day, and so far the program and gameplay both seem to be behaving properly. The graphics and textures in this racing game are really nice, and what I like about this are the background sound effects, billboards and street signs. Here are a couple pictures of street signs in NFSU that are my most favorite:

The reason why I like the street signs is because they are much taller than the ones in Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2. 🙂 I’d say this is still a good old-school racing game to me, but I think Hot Pursuit 2 is way better than this. Oh, and what I also like about NFSU is you can move the cursor around during a race, which I find that very interesting.


I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art, gaming and other things in life.
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    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala