Current Artwork Mood: Ruby Rocket 2.0
I was bored so I decided to dig through my old Source FilmMaker artwork and found one that I edited with Adobe Illustrator and Krita:
Yep, Jenny is trying to look like the Terminator… 😛
Happy 4/20!
I’ve been going through my old SFM artwork this evening, and I decided to spice up something using Krita and Adobe Illustrator:
I hope everyone had a happy day of 4/20 too. 😛
I drew a Goro thing *again*
I’ve been toying around with some more Krita and Adobe Illustrator CS6, and here’s a hand drawn thing that I’ve been working on for the evening:
This is supposed to be Goro from Mortal Kombat, but I added a crown on his head and a gold bling around his neck to make him my own version just to make him a royal pimp-like Shokan beast. 😛
I made a thing on my birthday
Finish Him! Art-ality!
I’ve been toying around with Adobe Illustrator and Krita lately, and I decided to work on my art project that includes Mortal Kombat:
Now I’m at the point where I’m thinking about what else I can draw for my next art project, but this time it’ll be something completely different.
I drew my own thing
I’ve been working on my new welcome picture for my Steam profile this evening. I will now show this picture to you Slackers right here:
I used Krita for the TF2 background image, Photoshop for the contoured text of my own name, and Illustrator and my Wacom tablet to draw my own character and a speech bubble. So now that I’ve finished my artwork, I will wait until tomorrow to upload this artwork on Steam because I’m a little bit tired to do so.
Current Krita Mood: Statue of Giant Head Man
I’ve been going through my GMod screenshots folder this evening, and I had Krita deployed on my screenshot of a statue with a giant head with a happy smiley face:
I was just having fun doing some experiments in Krita. That is all. 😛
Late Thanksgiving SFM Artwork Roundup
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving this year. I’ve been playing around in SFM (Source FilmMaker) this evening since it’s been a while. Here’s a couple of pics I’ve put together for tonight:
And to top it off I have made my own TF2 profile poster using Krita and Adobe Illustrator, just like my Thanksgiving picture above:
Now I’m at the point where I’m making my next SFM project that’s based on a Christmas theme. 😛