I drew a Goro thing *again*

I’ve been toying around with some more Krita and Adobe Illustrator CS6, and here’s a hand drawn thing that I’ve been working on for the evening:

This is supposed to be Goro from Mortal Kombat, but I added a crown on his head and a gold bling around his neck to make him my own version just to make him a royal pimp-like Shokan beast. πŸ˜›

In tonight’s post: My Latest Ninja Artwork

Been working on some hand drawn artwork lately. Here’s a picture of what I’ve been doing:

It was a picture of Scorpion and Sub-Zero battling out against each other, and I already uploaded it in the Mortal Kombat 11 artwork section on Steam if anyone would like to see it from there.

Have my latest Mortal Kombat artwork

I’ve been making some hand drawn artwork lately. This is a Mortal Kombat fighter named Jarek, and he’s doing some weightlifting to make his muscles stronger. He is a student of Kano and is one of the members of The Black Dragon.

I hope he’ll added to the latest Mortal Kombat game as part of the game’s 3rd DLC character pack, and I can’t wait to check it out too once I get enough free space on one of my Steam drives to play it.

Wednesday Evening Open Thread with my Latest Drawing

I’ve been helping my mother San_San in the kitchen making some cookie dough in the kitchen earlier this afternoon after I got done watching TV, and I thought I’d get that out of the way so that she can make peanut butter cookies for dessert since she already made chocolate chip cookies the other day.

Then we enjoyed some seafood-related dinner later this evening which is clam chowder and salmon sandwiches, and after I’m all done with dinner I created my own drawing of Goro, the notoriously evil Shokan prince from the Mortal Kombat series:

I also uploaded this picture on Steam if anybody would like to check it out from there.

  • About Me

    I like to blog about certain games that I like to play. I also blog about cats, art and other things in life.

    — Alxala