I am Painis Cupcake, I will eat you!
I made this GMod background image this afternoon of Painis Cupcake eating everybody on the RED team on top of a garage house:
Boy, he really wants to eat people… including their teammates too. 😛
Drew some early Father’s Day artwork
I made this hand drawn piece of art that I made the other day to start Father’s Day off early:
I got nothing big to report on lately. I’ll be going back to work starting tomorrow for the next 8 days straight since my days off next week are Friday and Saturday, and I will be promoted for my new job starting in the 10th of next month.
I can’t wait to get a new job promotion like this. Until then, enjoy the open thread you m8’s.
Have a Cute Handsome Weasel Kitteh Cat
Had my camera out front this afternoon and snapped a pic of Morty resting on my mattress while I was getting my bedding.
It’s been a while since I made a cat blog post like this, and Morty turned 6 years old about last week ago. 🙂
Happy Memorial Day from the MeeM’s
Saturday Afternoon Open Thread: It’s Melon Time!
After I got off work at a local store this afternoon I decided to buy a watermelon for my sis Tomala and a few other things like orange juice for the entire family to drink with, then later in the evening my family and I enjoyed some corn dogs for dinner with Mac n’ Cheese, green beans and juicy slices of a watermelon. It was some exquisite dinner alright. 🙂
Next week I have Tuesday and Wednesday off, so I think I’ll plan on building more pixel block art in GMod on my days off and maybe continue working on my comic art project afterwards unless my friends Tomala and Yutram have plans to join me for some fun games like GMod, Borderlands 2, the Pre-Sequel of Borderlands, etc.
In tonight’s post: How NOT to play Quake
I decided to get back into some Quake but instead I’m inside a Quake map in GMod. While I’m in there I made my new background pic of what I’ve been working on lately:
It was me resurrecting a Quake 2 Tank Commander from the dead and adopting it as my heavily armored and armed pet of destruction. 😛 Plus I got more where that came from on my Steam profile if anyone of you Slackers are interested.
Alxala received the Rocko Badge
I went on Steam and they announced that there’s a Spring Cleaning Event this year. So I went to the Steam store and managed to obtain the Spring Cleaning Event 2020 badge after completing every single task in the event. After earning the badge I got 500 XP and leveled up to level 30 in my profile.
I felt so amazed when that happened. 🙂 Tomorrow after I get off work at 4 in the afternoon I’ll plan on making more header images and put them up on my blog if I have enough time to do it, so stay tuned until I get off work.
I forgot to put my latest GMod background photo the other day because I was too busy making a fresh batch of header images. It was a picture of Sheckley and Griggs from HL2:EP2 sitting on a dark green couch getting baked and taking turns eating potato chips from a Lay’s potato chip bag next to them:
They decided to take a break from fighting dozens of Antlions under the tunnel and celebrate 420 inside a random apartment. 😛
I’m back in business as usual
Greetings, my fellow Slackers!
My sis Tomala managed to switch over our blogs for the last week, and so far they’ve been working fine but they still need some tweaks and other things. So now we play the Waiting Game to see if our e-mails are coming back up especially our Thunderbird e-mail accounts.
I was going to upload some of my hand drawn artwork but the problem is that my website is not letting me because every time I try to upload any .jpg and .png picture and it throws an error saying they could not be moved to the current folder, but I will be able to upload them tomorrow if Tomala has time to fix it.
Either way, it’s good to be back in my own hamster headquarters. 🙂