Happy Birthday 2 Meh!

My family and I chowed down on some spaghetti along with the garlic bread and salad for dinner on my birthday, and we had some delicious red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Here’s the picture of my birthday cake:

That was some dinner and birthday dessert. 🙂 I decided to celebrate my birthday by coming back to the old-school Tomb Raider. After finding the lead bars and killing about a dozen gorillas scattered around in different areas I have found a giant statue of Midas and a huge hand that turns me into gold when I’m top of it:

So far I have turned two of the lead bars into gold bars by using the huge golden hand. I still need to search for the third and final lead bar which should be around somewhere in this level.

Anyways, my birthday is going excellent tonight. 🙂

In tonight’s post: First GMod Block Art of the Year

Been playing around on some GMod since it’s been awhile. I decided to make my first 8 bit block art this evening. It’s a mushroom from the old-school Nintendo game Super Mario Bros.:

Yep, I’m a good GMod block artist. 🙂

Guess what I’ve been drawing this evening?

I got my drawing tablet and drew a picture of a tree that grows Cannibis with some nature animals getting stoned and two squirrels eating Lay’s potato chips:

It looks nice but it would’ve been even better if I add a skunk next to one of the nature animals and have it say ‘Can I please join you?’. 😛

Cute Morty Kitteh Photoz

I had my camera out earlier this afternoon and took some nice pics of the little guy:

I had to use Photoshop to brighten that last pic of Morty because the image looks a teeny bit dark. Oh, and yesterday I was making a ham and cheese sandwich for dinner, Morty decided to enter the kitchen and wanted some ham. So I tear off a piece of it off and then gave it to him. He was chowing down on it because he likes ham. 😛

Thursday Evening Open Thread: Early Birthday Dinner Edition

My family and I went out to dinner at a Superfly restaurant for my early birthday with our friendly elderly visitor. We munched down on some delicious burgers and french fries, and we also ordered some good alcoholic drinks like the Dreamsicle and the Oregon Ass. 😛

Either way, that was an excellent early birthday dinner. I even thanked our guest for paying the dinner bill and sending me a birthday card that contains a $10 bill. 🙂

The Pink Knight Rises

I made an animated ‘Please Wait’ screen picture for Tomala’s game streaming since I’ve been watching her live stream via YouTube. It’s my own version of Batman floating with the 3D 8-bit melons:

Now I’m in the point where I could make a Photoshop image out of it and then copy over to my sister’s computer.