Some Fun with Scribblenauts Unmasked and Adobe Illustrator

I got back into making more custom characters in Scribblenauts Unmasked, this time doing some survivor characters from Left 4 Dead.

Afterwards I moved on to practicing with Adobe Illustrator and my Wacom tablet. Here’s my latest practice artwork for today:

Kind of a mix of TF2 and L4D. 😛

Some L4D2 Artwork In Honor of my Fwendz *again*

I’ve been working on my L4D2 artwork project by replacing the survivors’ heads with our characters’ heads from Source FilmMaker by simply copying them over to Photoshop. Here’s my artwork with my two friends, Tomala and Yutram:

It would be fun to play L4D2 with these as skins. 😛

Coming Back To Some Tee Eff Too

I got back into some TF2 since it’s been awhile and I had some fun blowing up stuff in random community servers with bots. After I got done I decided to sell enough trading cards to purchase a paint tool from the Steam market so that I can give one of my Slick Cut a good paint job:

I can’t wait to play this game with my fwend-o’s someday. 🙂

I’m aiming for 500!

I found an old Windows 3.1 card game last month called 500. It’s kinda like Bridge but with different features like the Joker card, different bidding rules, and there’s Misère which is a bid in which I have to lose every single trick in order to make the bid (250 for Closing Misère, and 500 for Open Misère). Here’s a picture of the game looks like:

I somehow managed to make the bid of Open Misère and win the game against the opposing computer team in a single round. Hooray! (Of course, who knows how difficult it was programmed to be!)

This game is alright but definitely not my cup of tea. What sucks about this game is that there’s a notice that makes you wait for 10 seconds, and after playing this game for a two-week trial period I have to pay for it. I’ll have to take a look at Windows files to see if I can figure out how they limit the game.

After the game is over it gives you the results:

Play this some more and then off to something new (old). 😛