My latest uploaded YouTube porn

I uploaded two videos on YouTube this evening. This first video is my cat Morty looking out the back window of our van while my family and I were visiting Yellowstone Park on our road trip:

And this next one is recorded from awhile back of a ladybug on top another ladybug on the bush from our house:

Feel free to check these out if you’re really bored.

Alxala is Back in Business

My family and I had a very good road trip so far. It sure was nice to visit some states that I’ve never been to before which are Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Utah.

Papa Smurf and San_San standing next to an elevation sign.

Both our cats were not happy on Day 1 of our family road trip but they finally get to calm down on Day 2:

On the third day of our journey we arrived at Yellowstone Park and I had my camera out and took some pictures of some things from over there:

I do have some recorded video footage over at Yellowstone Park like the bald eagle flying in the sky, a buffalo and a magpie. ๐Ÿ™‚

On the fifth day of our road trip my family and I discovered a disastrous rock slide in a work zone while we’re traveling from Colorado to Montana:

Luckily nobody was injured in that rock slide incident.

After we made our way to Montana we stopped by at a gas station and I bought myself a bag of Lay’s Salt & Vinegar flavored chips and I was looking at the Nutrition Facts on the back of the bag and I noticed that it had a total of 420 calories per package:

Look likes Lay’s is getting stoned. ๐Ÿ˜›

On the sixth day of our journey we escaped from Montana and arrived in Spokane to visit our friendly family members, then a couple days later we stopped by at San_San’s cousins’ house for one last visit before heading home. San’s cousins have made us some lasagna, garlic bread and salad for dinner, and then made waffles and eggs for breakfast on our ninth and final day of our family road trip before going back home.

Then my family and I safely got back home late by a few hours because we got in an afternoon traffic jam due to a gravel truck accident out in the middle of a fast lane and also ordering some food at a Wendy’s restaurant for dinner. But at least we all had a good adventure together. ๐Ÿ™‚

Our Family Road Trip Has Begun!

My family and I will be taking off at 7 o’ clock in the morning to go on a very long road trip once everyone is ready and got anything that we need packed up and ready to go on our trip, and I’m going to be away from my lair for a while until I come back if everything goes well as planned.

So until then, I shall return, my fellow Slackersโ€ฆ

Sunday House Cleaning Open Thread

My family and I were doing some extreme house cleaning this evening because we wanted our house to be really tidy so that the inside of our house doesn’t look too messy when we get back from our road trip. I’ve been cleaning up the kitchen floor, plus I brushed the carpets in the upstairs hallway and my bedroom.

I think I’ll focus on brushing the carpets in our living room tomorrow so that Papa Smurf can hit them with the vacuum. So right now I still got laundry that needed to be caught up once I’ve done all my fun stuff. Oh, and speaking of laundry, I should consider washing my bedding tomorrow because I don’t want dirty smelly bedding before I leave on our road trip with my family.

DIY Nature Experimenting Open Thread

Yesterday I’ve been working on a DIY nature experiment lately:

What I did there is I used an empty cocoa powder container, fill it up with some water and then carefully add some seeding dandelions one at a time without knocking any parachute seeds off the puffballs so that the dandelions will be quenched with water in order to last a little longer like all other flowers. ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, and speaking of nature, I was out back pulling up a few more weeds and picked up a lot of fallen leaves off the ground just to tidy up our backyard a bit. Then after I got all that done my family and I enjoyed some exquisite submarine sandwiches that we ordered from a Subway restaurant. At least the food from Subway is far better than the food from McDonald’s.

Open thread, ladies and gents!