It’s The Final Glitchin’ Day Of 2024!

I’ve been venturing around Garry’s Mod by myself, and I got some weird stuff I wanted to show you people on this final day of 2024. This first one is a tank with missing textures from some military base map:

This next one is a door going through a bathtub from a different map:

And last but not least, here is a piece of nightmare fuel involving a player model of a Sam Sparks the weather-reporter intern:

Her arms and hands could use a little work. She looks beautiful in-game, though.

Well, there you have it. Now I must get back to more GMod, and I’ll see you all on the next year. Peace out!

The Queen Is Weirdly Dead

Gotta love that red shell of a spiderant queen. ๐Ÿ˜›

I was playing some more Borderlands 2 evening, and I was killing some spiderants in the Dust until this happened all of the sudden:

But yeah, I saw the way that spiderant queen died and I started laughing really, really hard. ๐Ÿ˜›

And Now For Something Hilarious From Bawderlands Dos

I was playing some more Borderlands 2 this evening, and here’s a screenshot that I took after dealing with a group of bandits in Eridium Blight:

This poor Marauder somehow got his head and right arm stuck in the metal fence.

Yep, I always thought that was a really funny way to die. ๐Ÿ˜›

Have a TF2 Screenshot of the Day

I was playing around some random community servers with bots in TF2 lately, and I took this screenshot of a dead scout who somehow got his legs stuck in something next to the stairs after he died:

Turns out I still got a lot of work to do on my latest SFM project such as the lighting, camera angling and character posing but I think I’ll wait on doing that until my weekend begins because I got two straight rounds of my nightmare shift of the week to do.